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Papers On Economics And Economic Theory
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Behavioural Finance
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This 12 page paper answers three questions concerning behavioural finance. The first question looks at how and why a choice might be made when there is a certain amount of money and then a risk with a 50% chance of doubling the money and a 50% chance of loosing it all. The second question considers the rational model of efficient market hypothesis and considers whether this or behavioural finance is most accurate. The last question uses behavioural finance to explain the boom and bust cycle seen in stock market, such as with the dot com fall. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
Filename: TEbehfina.rtf
Ben & Jerry's From a Microeconomics Perspective
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This 5 page paper defines some microeconomics terms. Ben & Jerry's is discussed in terms of corporate citizenship and how it performs as an individual actor in addition to the elasticity and pricing of its products. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA637mic.rtf
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This 7-page paper covers Benjamin Graham, the "father of value investing," his theories and how they've impacted the financial community. Also discussed is how his views would impact a student's investing decisions today. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTbengra.rtf
Beyond Growth: Daly and Girard
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This 3 page paper gives an outline of Herman Daly's book "Beyond Growth" and a brief discussion of it, and speculates on what Rene Girard would think about it. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: HVBGrRev.rtf
Beyond Growth: Daly and Girard and a Steady-State Economy
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This 3 page paper gives an outline of Herman Daly's book "Beyond Growth" and a brief discussion of it, and speculates on what Rene Girard would think about it. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: HVBGRev2.rtf
Bob Evans Farms, Inc.
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A 4 page paper discussing current conditions at this restaurant operating company; examining economic indicators; and discussing the relative value of economic indicators for business planning. Bob Evans operates in the pure competition market structure, and as such, has the ability to affect only itself and its own results. The paper concludes that economic forecasts can provide a “best guess” for future conditions, but as no one knows precisely what the future holds, they cannot be expected to be totally accurate. Bob Evans’ best course of action is to turn its attention to product, price and promotion, three of the 4 Ps of marketing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSeconBobEvans.rtf
Bolstering Taiwan's Economy Through Arms Procurement
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A 35 page paper discussing changes in Taiwan's economy in the early years of the new century and the growing threat of mainland China. Taiwan's defense spending has declined dramatically over the past several years as there has been internal disagreement over the total cost of matching China's increased defenses. This paper reviews the course of economic history of Taiwan and the strained relations that continue between China and Taiwan even though the two are increasingly economically interdependent. It also demonstrates that renewed arms procurement activity in Taiwan would serve several purposes and would have the effect of bolstering Taiwan's economy as it moves from manufacturing to services, the natural progression of an increasingly maturing economy. Includes an abstract. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Filename: KSeconTaiArms.rtf
Book Review of “Irrational Exuberance” by Robert Shiller
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This is a 5 page book review of Robert Shiller’s “Irrational Exuberance” (2000). The publication of Robert Shiller’s book “Irrational Exuberance” in 2000, took investors by surprise as it was a criticism and analysis of the recent increased trends in the stock markets. Essentially, Shiller states that the increase in the stock markets is a result of several cultural, sociological and psychological elements and not based on an increase of “real value”. He admits that there are many factors involved, including the introduction of the Internet into American homes and an increased awareness of the stock market in the media, but he ascertains that the real increase in based on the “herding” effect of social rational humans who follow popular trends. Despite the increase in the markets, Shiller cautions investors to keep their portfolios diversified and not dependent on the stock market because based on past historical increases in the market, this increase will also be followed by a decade of mediocre returns. Because of this good advice and words of caution, the book is considered worthwhile to read especially for anyone considering loading their investments into the stock market.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TJShill1.rtf
Bush’s Dilemma: The Cost of the War on Terrorism
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A 3 page paper arguing that George W. Bush has no clear idea of how long the war against terrorism will last, how much it will cost or when he will need to raise taxes to pay for the effort. The bottom line is that there are too many unknowns for the Bush administration to be able to provide any firm picture of total cost of the war effort or when it will be “safe” for the economy for the administration to raise federal taxes. Without knowing how long the war effort will last, there is no way to firmly predict what the final cost will be. Without knowing that bottom-line figure, neither can tax increases be predicted. All hinges on how effective allied forces are able to be in inhibiting terrorists’ ability to act at will. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KSwarCostIraq.rtf
Business and Free Trade
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A 3 page paper considering whether business would choose the free market or a managed economy in the case of a global crash and the possibility of starting over. Perhaps a controlled market would be tempting momentarily, but in the end business is more likely to opt for the free market. It is more conducive to growth in the long term, and with all businesses on the level ground of the crashed market, they would have no reason at all to want to pursue the managed economy. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSfreeTrdEcon.rtf
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