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Papers On Technology, Transportation, & Aviation
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Invention of the Telephone and its Effect on History
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An 8 page paper which explores the invention of the telephone, the resulting historical changes, and its profound effect on the world. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TGphone.rtf

Issues Concerning Biometrics And E-Commerce
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A 15 page paper that discusses biometrics as a more reliable authentication technology. The writer begins with a definition of e-commerce, then, defines and describes biometrics, including the different categories, how it works and the size of this industry. The writer discusses the uses for biometrics in today's world and provides examples of how and where this technology is being used. Privacy issues are also discussed; biometric identification is compared with the acceptance of fingerprinting in terms of public acceptance. The major issue is storing these kinds of data in central databases but there are alternatives, which are identified. Legislation is mentioned although there are no laws that govern this technology directly. Finally, the writer discusses whether or not it is worth initiating biometric authentication devices in businesses who are engaged in e-commerce. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Filename: PGbiomtr.rtf

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This paper discusses joint database connectivity, and the relationship of this technology to relational databases. Also under discussion are types of JDBC drivers on the market. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTjdbcda.rtf

Labor Unions at Delta, Southwest, Northwest, and Continental Airlines
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This 6 page report discusses the airline industry and the relationship between four airlines -- Delta, Southwest, Northwest, and Continental Airlines -- and the unions representing their employees. Current issues and concerns related to union representation and labor negotiations with these airlines are presented. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: BWairuni.rtf

Lack of Industrialization: A Common Problem in El Salvador, Malaysia, Gambia, and Mauritania
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An 8 page overview of the relative industrial development of El Salvador, Malaysia, Gambia, and Mauritania. The author emphasizes that each of these countries missed the critical window of industrialization which opened after World War II and, instead, have just started serious attempts as industrialization. Consequently, development in these countries has been largely stalled. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPindus4.rtf

Laser Beams & Laser Technology
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An 11 page research paper on lasers and laser technology. The writer defines ‘laser beam'.. gives examples of lasers in medicine where some remarkable procedures are occuring including : lasers and cosmetic surgery; lasers and ophthamology; lasers and the military; laser technology in the office; lasers for fun: holography, entertainment, and more. Lasers have diverse uses and have revolutionized differenct areas of life. Extensive bibliography is included.
Filename: Lasers.wps

Leonardo da Vinci: Artist, Scientist and Engineer
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This is a 7 page paper discussing the life, art and engineering designs of Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci is a well known artist who captured the elusive smile of the Mona Lisa and envisioned the Last Supper which many people now associate him with. However, Leonardo da Vinci was perhaps even more accomplished as an “artist-engineer” of the Italian scientific Renaissance which set him apart from the other artists of the time as well as a mathematician, philosopher, naturalist, astronomer, architect, and musician. While quite a lot is known about his works of art, not as much is known about his hundreds of scientific and engineering designs which were well ahead of his time and placed him considerably high in the development of the Italian Renaissance in the arts and sciences. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TJLeonD1.rtf

Living In Virtual Reality
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5 pages in length. What would it be like to live in total virtual reality? Some believe it is the answer to all the world's ills, in that war, hunger and disease could all be programmed out of existence. With such power over these otherwise detrimental entities, life would be absent of all things negative and harmful. However, others contend that programming one's existence from a ready-made set of experiences leaves no possibility for the unknown, the challenging or the inherent element of human disappointment. No bibliography.
Filename: TLCvrtul.wps

Los Angeles Mass Transit System: Success Or Failure?
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8 pages in length. The overpopulated state of Los Angeles and surrounding counties was the definitive directive that began political administrators looking more closely at the broad issue of transportation (Simburger, 1998). According to Scott L. Bottles, author of Los Angeles and the Automobile: The Making of the Modern City, Southern Californians began a love affair with private vehicles that would eventually create a crisis situation where transit was concerned; not only did automobiles provide a sense of freedom and independence, but they also equipped individuals with more advantageous economic choices over trains or street cars. In short, it was the general populace that long resisted – and therefore did not patronize to any great extent – the various forms of mass transit alternatives made available to the traveling public. However, times have changed and so have once-stubborn attitudes, inevitably instilling a brand new – and positive – perspective with regard to contemporary options. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCLAmass.rtf

Mackinac Bridge, Michigan
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A 6 page paper which discusses the planning, building, completion, opening, and repairs of the Mackinac Bridge in Michigan. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: RAmacknc.wps

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