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Papers On Technology, Transportation, & Aviation
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This paper attempts to examine the macroeconomics of the airline industry, taking into account how each leg of the industry can impact passengers and economics. Discussions include the economic viability of the hub-and-spoke system, as well as the impact of unionized employees and rising energy costs on ticket prices. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTecoair.rtf

Management At Three Major Airlines
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A 9 page paper discussing the similarities and the management philosophies of American, United and Delta. All old, established companies, they are the three leaders of the US airline industry in terms of total revenues. Neither was profitable until the federal government authorized air mail by private carrier in 1925, and all three operate with only an uneasy peace with their pilots. The paper asks whether any of the three practices TQM, and concludes, based on the company-as-hostage stance of the pilots, that they do not. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: 3Airline.rtf

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This paper discusses factors that managers must consider in managing at-home workers, also known as telecommuters. The paper examines how managers can determine if telecommuting is a viable option for employees, and how it can be best implemented. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTteleco.rtf

Mandatory Retirement At Age 60 For Airline Pilots / Safety Or Discrimination ?
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This 12 page research paper examines the issue of mandatory retirement for all American airline pilots at age 60. The writer includes background information and a detailed statement of the problem.
Filename: Pilot60.rtf

Marketing Air Freight On The Internet
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A 10 page research paper which looks at what is needed to have a successful presence on the Internet for an air freight carrier. The writer specifically profiles the Web sites of FedEx and UPS examining the features which make these sites successful. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Airfreit.wps

Marketing NetJets
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An 11 page paper discussing the marketing base of NetJets, a fractional ownership airline company. NetJets uses a time-share concept to sell interest in corporate-sized jets, enabling the purchase of as little as one-eighth ownership rather than bearing the total cost of purchase, maintenance and operation. It is the leading competitor in its industry, and was purchased by Warren Buffet in 1995. The paper examines NetJets and the 4 Ps with concentration on price, and compares NetJets to the early days of Southwest Airlines. It concludes with the recommendation that NetJets offer capital budgeting analysis to potential customers as a marketing tool. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSnetJets.rtf

Mars: Our Future in Space
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A 7 page discussion of the Mars exploration program. Emphasizes the reasons behind our obsession with Mars exploration and traces the revised plans for that exploration which have been fabricated since the loss of two U.S. spacecraft in 1999. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPmarsB.rtf

Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' / Nineteenth-Century Science
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A 10 page paper examining Mary Shelley's work in the light of the scientific discoveries of the time. The paper particularly discusses the work of Sir Humphry Davy, Luigi Galvani, and Giovanni Aldini in relation to their theories about the connection between chemistry, electricity, and living matter. Bibliography lists 5 additional sources.
Filename: Frank.wps

Mauritius: Tourism And Social Problems
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12 pages in length. Tourism, in and of itself, is meant to bolster the economic strength of the city, state or country where it exists. While its two primary functions are to expose the traveler to the location's unique and wonderful offerings, as well as allow the people to benefit financially from the money the tourist leaves behind, it has also been known to elicit a less than advantageous outcome in the way of labor, environmental and political issues. Mauritius is one of many places where tourism has become a double-edged sword with the local people, inasmuch as it represents much-needed economic support while at the same time reflecting certain problems for the natives. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: TLCMauri.rtf

Microsoft Corporation And The Sherman Act
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A 16 page paper. The government began investigating Microsoft Corporation in 1990. It brought a complaint against Microsoft under the umbrella of the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1998. This essay provides an introduction to the case, the exact issues in the case, a chronology of the major events and decisions, perspectives of the government and of Microsoft, and a discussion. The writer discusses different aspects of the case and offers an opinion regarding the judgement against Microsoft. Some data included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PGMSanti.wps

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