Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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Case Study of Rena Graybeal: Gerontology Theories of Disengagement and Activity
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This is an 11 page paper discussing a case study of an elderly woman in regards to the gerontology theories of disengagement and activity. A case study of an elderly woman, Rena Graybeal, consists of two aspects: part one, her biography which explores her biographical details, education, social supports, retirement, finances, politics, religion, relationships and health status; and, part two, her life in relation to the gerontology theories of disengagement and activity. The disengagement theory and the activity theory present two contrasting concepts of what functional roles older individuals play in society: disengagement, in which older individuals gradual disengage themselves from activities in society in order to allow for the younger generations which leads to life satisfaction; and activity, in which older individuals continue to maintain high activity levels in order to continue to contribute to society which leads to life satisfaction. Upon reviewing Rena Graybeal’s biography and current life, it becomes obvious to readers that Rena has always had and continues to have an active life consistent with the activity theory. Rena continues to contribute to this generation and the next, is aware of political, environmental and social issues, and maintains an open-mind in regards to religion, politics, family and other important components which makes her a functional member of society.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TJRGray1.rtf
Case Study on Racism
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This 12 page paper analyzes a case presented by a student concerning a boarding situation between a white Moslem and a black African Christian. Reasons for their disagreements are explored through anthropological and sociological theories. Theories concerning racism are provided . The case is analyzed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA042rac.wps
Cash Grants for Earned Income: An Analysis of Three Hypothetical Approaches
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A 2 page analysis of earned income strategies designed to aid working women in Hawaii. Outlines Hawaii's current approach and compares that approach to two hypothetical approaches. Each involves a cash grant for earned income but the budget constraints for each differ both in the maximum work hours allowed without taxation and in the rate of taxation. Concludes that the second hypothetical approach is superior as it rewards women who work a minimum or one-hundred hours per month with an increased cash grant. The other two approaches actually penalize women who work over forty hours per month by requiring that the cash grant be taxed away. No sources are listed.
Filename: PPecEarn.wps
Casinos as Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism: An Analysis of Clientele and Community Impacts
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A 12 page contention that casinos are not a healthy community option for recreation, leisure, and tourism. Casinos do not attract the well-heeled, upper-echelon representatives of society that they are often expected to attract. Instead, they often attract those in our society who can least afford to gamble. They also have the potential to increase crime in the community as a whole. While some advocate government support of casinos, even this option can have more negative than positive consequences. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PPcasino.rtf
Catholic Identity/ Orsi's Madonna of 115th Street
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A 4 page essay that examines Robert A. Orsi's study of Italian Catholics living in New York's East Harlem from 1880 to 1950. The writer looks specifically at how the festa of the Madonna substantiated issues of Catholic identity. No other sources cited.
Filename: khmad115.rtf
Causation of Crime
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In 8 pages , the author discusses many of the theories for the causation of crime, such as social learning, social strain, and disintegration of family. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Crimcaus.wps
Causes Of Poverty In Contemporary Society
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8 pages in length. Throughout history, money has played a significant role in virtually all cultures. It forces people to conform to a certain way of life, and it often changes their perceptions for the worse. The drive to possess great amounts of money has survived throughout the centuries, only to become even more disastrous in contemporary culture. There appears to be no end to what people will do to acquire a lot of money, often sacrificing
their families, their health and their morality. How can something that fits in the palm of one’s hand evoke such cultural tension and strife? To be sure, the more money one possesses in most cultures equates to a better life, inasmuch as it allows people to rise out of poverty. What are the major causes of poverty in today's society? How is this related to racism, if at all? When considering such
concepts as poverty, welfare, racism, social fact, social structure, social stratification, social inequality, functional theory and conflict theory, one gains a significantly better perspective of how greed and lack of social conscience reflect poverty's primary causes. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCpovrt.wps
Causes of the Russian Revolution
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This 5 page paper looks at the Russian Revolution and the conditions preceding it that caused the people to embrace Marxism. Details about Marxism and the revolution itself are included. The paper takes an analytic look at the facts. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA246Rus.rtf
Census 2000
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5 pages in length. Determining the number of people who live in the country -- or on the planet, for that matter -- has significantly more to do with merely establishing a numeric representation of how many physical bodies inhabit the various regions; indeed, the implications of census figures directly correlate with such issues as economic funding, political representation and how society functions as a whole. For these reasons, it is imperative that the Census 2000 be as accurate as possible, inasmuch as the figures compiled from the April, 2000 count will set in motion the extent to which how well people will be supported. The writer discusses issues surrounding Census 2000, as well as offers possible ways to administer the survey. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCcnsus.wps
Change and the Self/Poetry of Gwen Harwood
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A 5 page essay on change that focuses on the poem "Suburban Sonnet" by Gwen Harwood. Using this poem, the writer discusses how motherhood involves change for the protagonist of the poem and to women in general. The positives and negatives of motherhood are discussed, with the conclusion that motherhood can be process that facilitates the growth of self. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khselfgh.rtf
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