Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
Page 40 of 199
Assimiliation Into The U.S. / The Plight Of Minority Groups
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8 pages in length. The immigration and assimilation of Asians, Latinos, and African Americans has a history of controversy. Each group has been the subject of harrassment and exteme prejudice. One of the most blatant forms of harassment was the internment of Japanese during World War II. Unlide Latinos and Asians, Africans did not come to the country voluntarily. Their forced immigration reflects an era in this country's history that it may never really recover from. Different aspects of each group are discussed. Extensive Bibliography.
Filename: Assimi.wps
Asylum Seeking Children in the United Kingdom; Treatment and Provision;
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This 10 page paper looks at issues concerned with children refugees in the United kingdom. The paper starts with consideration to the legislation that applies to then as well as general background information. The paper then goes on to examine the role and duties of the local authorities and the way in which they are carried out. The paper concludes wit a summary of the reason why this issue requires further study. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEasylum.wps
Attachment Theory
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A 7 page paper. The attachment theories of Bowlby, Ainsworth, Rutter and Bronfenbrenner are explained and discussed. Different issues are also discussed in terms of attachment, such as divorce, deprivation, and abuse. A brief critique of some of the theories is also included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGattch3.wps
Attaining and Assessing Client Goals
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5 pages. In this social psychology case study, a young man is despondent over the breakup of he and his girlfriend. He has considered suicide and is also compelled to use alcohol and drugs. Based on client assessment and goal attainment, this case study will focus on the target problems and possible solutions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JAsuicde.rtf
Attention, Automaticity, Metacognition and Procedural Learning.
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This 10 page paper looks at these four different subjects by considering four journal articles regarding each subject, looking at the content and the important of the article to the subject studied. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
Filename: TEdefnit.wps
Attributing Sexual Consent
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A 5 page paper which reviews and analyzes the
essay/research titled "Attributing Sexual Consent" by Grace Y. Lim and Michael E.
Roloff. The essay appeared in the February, 1999 edition of JACR. No additional sources
Filename: RAsexcons.wps
Australia - Aboriginal Property Rights
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A 6 page paper. Australia has experienced a number of legal changes in terms of property rights since claims for rights were filed by Eddie Mabo and the Meriam People in the early 1980s. It took ten years for that case to be determined in the High Court. Known as the Mabo decision, the Court ruled in favor of the Aboriginal people. This was followed by the Native Title Act in 1994 and the Wik decision. This essay discusses these and their effect on property rights in Australia. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGmabo.wps
Babe Secoli in Studs Terkel’s “Working”
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A 5 page paper which examines the
working relationship that Babe Secoli describes in Studs Terkel’s “Working.” The paper
also incorporates the Phenomenological Model Of Work and Culture provided in a fax
from the student. Source for this unknown. No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAwork3.rtf
Baby Boomers & Their Retirement Years
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This 17 page report discusses the 'baby boom' generation (Americans born between 1946 and 1964) in terms of their retirement plans, options, and likely economic realities. This report examines general issues related to retirement and baby boomers but focuses on the issues confronting women of the baby boom generation as they move toward their retirement years. A hypothetical survey and its methodology and findings are also discussed in relationship to the topic. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: BWretire.wps
Bach for Babies
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An 11 page research paper (which includes a 3/4 page abstract), which addresses the trend of playing classical music in utero and in early childhood in the hopes of creating a child prodigy. The writer examines literature pertaining to what scientists know about fetal development, that is, when a fetus develops the ability to hear and how well it can hear. Then, literature is examined that pertains to what possible beneficial effect, if any, can be attributed to listening to classical music. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: khmusbab.rtf
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