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Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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Childhood and the UK Government
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This 6 page paper considers the different projects and regulations that have been brought in by the UK government over the past decade, and how they may impact on childhood and what it means to be a child. The writer argues the position may be improving, but most improvements may be seen as attempts to ensure children grow into economically productive adults. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEchgovm.rtf

Childhood Development and Aggression
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5 pages. This paper deals with childhood development as regards to aggression. This comparative essay reviews and critiques articles explaining different merits of childhood development theories as they pertain to aggression issues. The theories compared in this paper are those of biological-maturation and environmental-learning. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JAaggrss.rtf

Childhood Growth And Development: Birth Through Three Years Old
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6 pages in length. The extent to which birth through three years old is a critical period with regard to individual development is both grand and far-reaching. Myriad theorists have charted this time frame by means of cognitive and emotional development, with the common denominator among them all being that what is learned during this period will shape the child's entire adolescent and adult life. Piaget and Erikson, whose respective works represent two of the most widely acclaimed theories of childhood development, illustrate just how crucial certain stages are between the ages of birth to three years old. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCChldD.rtf

Children & Divorce
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A 5 page research report examining the detrimental effects that divorce often has on children and adolescents. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Childdiv.wps

Children and Poverty
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21 pages. This paper focuses on poverty and its effects on children in the multitude of ways that poverty can strike, not only in the United States but also in the world over. The major focus on this topic is the anti-poverty organization called Childreach, which is the United States member of PLAN. How this organization is reaching out to help those children in need and the results it has seen will all be included herein. Other programs will be noted as well in order to provide a basis of opinion as to what exactly is being done to help the children that are victims of poverty. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: JGAchdrc.rtf

Children And Youth As Consumers
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This 15 page paper begins by providing data about the population of children in the U.S., divided into age groups. The paper then discusses the astounding buying power of children under the age of 18, both in terms of direct purchases and in terms of influencing parents' purchases. Data are then reported regarding the types of purchases children make. Following these data is a comprehensive discussion of the consumer socialization process as it relates to youngsters. This discussion inherently includes cognitive and social developmental processes and the identification of three specific types of consumer segments in which children are categorized. At the end of this section, the writer comments about how marketers use children to influence their parents' purchasing decisions as well as their own direct purchases. Bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: PGchlcon.rtf

Children Of Broken Families: Contribution To Social Problems
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8 pages in length. Parents often do not comprehend the far-reaching effects their actions have upon their children; indeed, mothers and fathers may wrongly believe that some children are old enough to both understand and accept the concept of divorce, while the rest are too young to comprehend or be affected by its occurrence. One of the problems is that the parents all too often do not understand the myriad feelings that plague their children, not realizing that the divorce extends far beyond the boundaries of the mother and father. Whether it is because children hold back their feelings as a means by which to appear strong or that they are just not able to express them, the parents are not aware of the significant and negative impact a broken family has upon their children, often and unwittingly setting the stage for social problems later in life. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCbrokn.rtf

Children Of Incarcerated Parents
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A 4 page paper. There are an astounding number of minors who have a parent incarcerated on any given day - in excess of 1.5 million. This essay discuses the data regarding the numbers, then reports an observation of a teenager whose father is in jail. The writer then discusses psychological theories for the boy's behavior and suggests three investigations that would shed more light on this situation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Pgkidjl.wps

Children Who Join Gangs
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5 pages. Children who join gangs have a high level of alienation. Includes hypothesis, methodology, research needs, variables, methods of analysis. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JGAgangs.rtf

Children Who Run Away From Home
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3 pages worth of information on runaways including some of the socio-psychological reasons why kids leave home, the legal definition of what constitutes a "missing child," and more. Bibliography lists over 20 suggested sources.
Filename: Runaway.wps

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