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Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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Career Counseling from a Christian Perspective
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7 pages in length. In great detail, the writer discusses problems that Christians are apt to find with the concept of career counseling and posits a methodology designed to help them appreciate it based upon the existing literature. It is asserted that a well-rounded Christian philosophy in career guidance counseling should help people discern their vocations and encourage the Christian use of their skills, Bibliography lists approximately 12 sources.
Filename: Careerco.wps

Career Guidance Counseling
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A 13 page comprehensive, analytical paper examining theories of career guidance counseling. The writer then goes on to create one based strictly upon the existing literature. Included are a theoretical history, discussion of major theorists, and various case examples. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Careergu.wsp

Career In Social Work
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In this 7 page essay, the goals, jobs and opportunities of a social worker are presented. The writer then presents their own strengths and weaknesses as a future social worker in light of these definitions-- using real-life examples to illustrate points made. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Sociwork.wps

Careers v. Families in Marriage
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A 7 page paper discussing the responsibilities of career and family in marriage and how they impact the union. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Careerma.wps

Caring for the Mentally Ill / Changing Views Since the 19th Century
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Beginning with the 19th century asylum, its justification & treatment of the mentally ill, this 5 page paper offers a comprehensive examination of how views concerning the mentally ill have changed over the years. The writer presents an historic look at how various societies ranging from the post-Civil war era to the days of World War II -- began to treat their mental patients differently as we learned more about the true nature of mental illness. The growing role of government in caring for these patients is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Mentill3.wps

Carla Freeman/High Tech and High Heels
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A 6 page book analysis of Freeman's sociological study of native women working on the island of Barbados in the "informatics" industry. This term refers to the companies that have located their data entry operations on the island. The purpose of Freeman's study is to examine how this new form of work (data entry) has affected the women working in this industry. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: khhitech.rtf

Case 8.1: Banana Time Case
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This is a 5 page paper discussing work group formation in the Banana Time Case (8.1). In the Banana Time Case, the narrator of the case considers the relationships and conversations between his co-workers as meaningless until he starts participating and realizing the social interactions which are taking place. A group cohesiveness has formed among the work group which would considered strong because of several essential characteristics which are vital in the formation of groups: an informal leader had emerge in George which has a paternal relationship with Sammy and Ike; norms and routines have also been established which allow for a bond between the workers and separates them from other work groups and provides a secure environment; each member has a role within the group which is not upset by the introduction of a new worker; the group is physically removed from other groups in the organization which provides for better cohesiveness; and, the mentoring aspect is kept low key in order to avoid jealousy regarding any new relationships which may be formed between the leader and the new worker. These aspects among other characteristics have made the group in the Banana Time case a good example of an informal, collective, socially interactive and additive group as well as being part of a larger conjunctive group. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TJCse811.rtf

Case Studies in Social Work
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7 pages. This series of three case studies is a case-by-case analysis of the best therapy to be used for each case. There is a thorough explanation of why the particular therapy was chosen and what specific actions need to be taken in order to address the problems at hand. An excellent source paper for any sociology or psychology course as it considers many different therapies including cognitive behavior, behavioral and many more. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: JGAswork.rtf

Case Studies: Research Approach
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A 5 page paper which discusses different scholars' views of case studies as a method of research. The paper takes the opinions of Robert E. Stake, in "Case Studies," and Mary Timney Bailey, in "Do Physicists use Case Studies" Thoughts on Public Administration Research," and relate them to those provided by Vidu Soni in "A Twenty-First-Century Reception for Diversity in the Public Sector: Case Study." No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAresearch3.wps

Case Study in Adolescent Delinquency
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This 10 page paper takes a biopsychosocial approach in contemplating a case study of an adolescent boy. The actual case involves a black boy who grew up in poor circumstances in New York City. He was ultimately killed when a drug deal went bad. Various theories are discussed including the theory of differential association and systems theory. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA144bio.rtf

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