Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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Buying A Home: The Elusive American Dream
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5 pages in length. Buying a home is one dream for most Americans, however, the growth, decline and discrimination in the mortgage industry dictates how, what and where we can live, work and raise our families. Focusing upon the mortgage industry's supply and demand in the housing market and how it effects our society, we can began to narrow the
income inequality gap of the middle to lower class American and, therefore, produce a better overall economy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCbuyhm.wps
C. Wright Mills, The Man With The Plan
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This seven-page-paper presents a discussion on the beliefs and works of C. Wright Mills. Mills, the American sociologist believed that an alternative democracy could be developed.
Filename: CWCWright.wps
Campus Violence / 'A Principal's Story'
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5 pages in length. Campus violence is not a new occurrence; one only has to recall the incident at Kent State University to realize that violent acts on school grounds have been an issue that has been dealt with for some time now. However, these days finds the frequency of such violence has escalated to a level of disproportionate percentage. The writer discusses one man's attempts to curb the violence in his book A Principal's Story, as well as analyzes the sociological implications of the disturbing trend. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Campus.wps
Can a Person be a “Born Criminal?”
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A 5 page paper which examines psychological and sociological theories of criminal behavior in the “nature vs. nurture” debate. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TGnatnur.rtf
Can Capitalism Lead to Human Happiness?
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This 5 page paper looks at Adam Smith and Karl Marx's views in respect to happiness. Their different ideas are compared and contrasted.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA148SaM.rtf
Can People Work Their Way Out Of Poverty?
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8 pages in length. Breaking out of the poverty cycle requires more than merely finding a better job. In order to overcome the oppressive existence of poverty, people need to become educated, address the myriad cultural and political restraints placed upon them and perhaps most of all conquer the defining aspect of social determinism. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCWrkPv.rtf
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Marx & Weber's treatment of capitalism is compared and contrasted in this 7 page essay. A look at modern American society is taken through the eyes of these theorists. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Capit.doc
Capitalism Impacting Peasants
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Capitalism Impacting Peasants: This 9-page essay examines two tribal factions of our global society, (South America’s, Guarani and Kenya’s, Mau Mau) to illustrate the impact of capitalism on the world’s peasantry. In addition, the post-1848 anti-systemic protests of workers, women and the environmentally conscious are also discussed. In our modern day framework, diverse traditional, cultural methodologies have not yet totally disappeared, but they have been deeply transformed by capitalism. Bibliography lists 4 sources. SNThreeq.doc
Filename: SNThreeq.doc
Capitalist Exploitation of Native Americans and Irish, Italian and Chinese Immigrants
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A 7 page overview of the discrimination and exploitation faced by Native Americans, and their immigrant counterparts in the early history of the United States. Emphasizes that while the situation was similar for all there were also many differences. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPNAexpl.wps
Career Choices and the “16PF” (Sixteen Personality Factor Assessment): Applications in Counseling
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A 6 page overview of the applicability of this personality assessment test in deciding whether to pursue employment in the counseling occupation. This paper reviews the test results for one fictional individual factor by factor to emphasize that the combination of the factors do indeed suggest compatibility with counseling. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPcounsl.rtf
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