Papers On Earth & Physical Sciences
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Possibility of Extraterrestrial Life
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An 8 page paper which researches the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAet.rtf
Prioritizing NASA Projects
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A 5 page paper weighing options in a hypothetical
light. The assumption is that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
has committed itself to expensive major programs in Mars exploration and in searching for
and characterizing planetary systems near other stars. The program with the highest
priority will be retained and the other will be suspended. The purpose here is to determine
which program has the highest priority; the paper concludes that the Mars mission should
be retained. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KS-NASAproj.wps
Production of Lactic Acid: Artificial Vs Natural
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14 pages in length. As with most things in the twenty-first century, the production of lactic acid has become the latest victim of progress. The natural process that produces the fermented composition of lactose (milk sugar) is no longer
considered economically feasible in its current state, inasmuch as it can be reproduced at a rate that is both faster and cheaper. Critics contend that while this technological breakthrough may be beneficial in some ways, it is not looked upon as a advancement toward better nutrition or a plus for the environment. Their claim is that while the ongoing pursuit of bioengineering may produce a viable form of lactic acid, the very process of extracting this substance is what remains in question. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLClactc.wps
Progress in Ancient Alchemy
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A 4 page discussion of the many inroads made by ancient alchemists. Although our modern world tends to scoff at alchemy, it involved not just the pursuit to turn other substances into gold but rather formed the rudiments of ancient science. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPalchem.rtf
Questions on Waldrop's Complexity
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An 8 page paper that answer 30 questions pertaining to Mitchell Waldrop's text Complexity, which explores the ramifications of complexity theory and its implications for society. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khwalcom.rtf
Reclaiming Hetch Hetchy Valley
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This 11 page paper argues that the O’Shaughnessy Dam in Yosemite Valley should be dismantled and the Hetch Hetchy Valley restored to its original condition. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: HVHetHet.rtf
Reducing Green House Gas Emissions in Irish Dairy Farming
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There is little doubt that green house gases need to be reduced. This 15 page paper summarizes an article that assesses the potential of different dairy herd management systems to reduce the direct and indirect green house gas emissions. The reseach also looked at the impact on profit levels. The paper summarises the findings of the reseach and then offers a neutral opinion on the reseach. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEgasfarm.rtf
Regulation of Biotechnology-Developed or Altered Foods
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This 7 page report discusses regulating the use of biotechnology in food production. The pros and cons of biotechnology related to agriculture and food production are presented, as well as reasons behind its regulation.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWbioreg.rtf
Reinforced Soil Steel
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A 5 page paper discussing the practice of reinforcing soil with narrow steel bands, a technique that provides immense benefit in soil stabilization for construction projects and can reduce costs as much as 50 percent. This method of reinforcing soil for construction purposes has been found to be useful in a variety of settings and for a wide range of purchases. It is useful in virtually any setting in which there will be static or dynamic stresses on supporting soil, such as bridge abutments or roadways running along the top of sloping terrain. It is also useful in areas in which earthquake activity is common. Includes 2 figures. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSengSoilSteel.rtf
Remote Sensing
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This 7 page paper defines what remote sensing is, traces its history briefly, and explores some of its uses and what it might become in the future.
Filename: HVRemote.rtf
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