Papers On Earth & Physical Sciences
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Laser-Induced Damage as a Design Medium in Glass Prior to 1989;
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This 10 page paper considers the developments in this area along with their application and technical abilities. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: TElaserd.wps
Legislative Fuel Issues: Economic Impact
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18 pages in length. The 1980's presented the perfect scenario with regard to the economic and political relationship to the oil market. Depending upon one's interpretation of which direction the oil market was heading during that time, various approaches were taken in relation to its final and stabilizing outcome. Indeed, this particular decade was quite instrumental in determining what was to be expected for future decades that were to follow. With the current situation of proposed taxation and mileage regulation, the need has never been more critical for alternative sources in order to ease the inherent economic impact. Progress has been made over the past two decades since the 1980s oil issue; as such, the combined efforts of regulatory and market pressures proved to generate twice the miles per gallon from 1973. Still, the positive economic impact of such changes must be only the beginning toward addressing the steadily depleting fuel supply. The writer discusses suggested changes in legislation in order to address the growing energy problem. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCFulTx.wps
Literature Review: Cotton Harvest Aids
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16 pages. This is an extensive literature review on the topic of harvest aid chemicals and timings on cottonseed that are to be re-used for planting purposes. Some topics included are the cool/warm vigor index, seed index, and chemicals used. Bibliography includes 30 sources.
Filename: JGAseeds.rtf
Lunar Eclipse
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This 10 page paper describes the mechanics of a lunar eclipse, and gives information about the Moon itself. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: HVLunarE.rtf
Lunar Eclipses 101
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This 4 page report discusses the most basic aspects of the astronomical phenomenon known as a lunar eclipse. How and why an eclipse occurs is briefly outlined and the difference between a total and partial eclipse is explained. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWlunar.rtf
Magnetism in Alternators, Electric Motors and Transformers
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This 3 page paper examines how alternators, electric motors and transformers all make use of magnetism, but each uses it in a different way. The paper explains how magnetism is used along with the principles behind it in each of these tools. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEmagnit.rtf
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An 8 page paper which examines species of mangroves and the contribution of mangroves to the environment. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: RAmangv.rtf
Marine Biology's Benefit to Modern Agriculture
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This 3 page report discusses the ways in which knowledge from the field of marine biology has a positive impact on agricultural concerns. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWagimar.rtf
Marine Pollution
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This 14 page paper discusses various aspects of marine pollution. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: HVMarPol.rtf
Martian Splosh Craters
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5 pages in length. The universe is full of unique and unusual compositions that help to differentiate one planet from another. Martian splosh craters – also called rampart craters – are one of the most interesting of all, because the way in which they form has had a direct impact upon the shape of Mars as it exists today. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCsplsh.rtf
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