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Papers On Earth & Physical Sciences
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Fertilizing Woody Ornamentals
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This 5 page paper discusses fall
fertilization programs for trees, shrubs and vines defined as woody
ornamentals. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KTwdshrb.wps
Fictitious Archaeological Dig
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11 pages in length. The architectural layout and planning of this particular site reflects a decidedly communicative ideology, in that it represents the very cultural essence of its people. Embedded within this written ideology of the ruined city's structure is the greater conceptualization of education and expression. Without question, these interrelated aspects of communication appeared to be the cornerstone of this community's existence, indicating the very reason for its construction. In spite of the fact that the remains do no yield an interpretation of daily life, archaeologists have been able to gather enough information so as to understand the complexities surrounding a collection of semi-preserved writing implements located in the northeast corner. Regarding the social implications of such findings, researchers have found enough evidence to indicate that this site was a learning institution of some sort. Indeed, as many questions as these findings have been
successful in addressing, there are many more left
unanswered. It can readily be argued that the true and pointed intent of these educational and communicative remains indicate an extended grasp of language and expression. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCarcdg.wps
Fluid Dynamics / Pipe Flows :
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A 5 page paper discussing the basic aspects of laminar and turbulent pipe flows as related to fluid movement through channels. For all the diversity in mechanical and industrial systems in operation and in design phase today,
they all have in common the incorporation of some application of fluid dynamics within them. Liquids and gases move according to the same fundamental principles, differing only in movement as affected by density, viscosity and chemical composition. The paper discusses boundary, stationary layer, Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Pipeflow.wps
Fossils/Burgess Shale
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A 7 page research paper that examines the fascinating fossil record that was found in the Burgess Shale. Because the Burgess Shale fossils contain examples of soft-bodied animals, which is very rare, these fossils have been called a "window to the Cambrian period" of prehistory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: 99shale.wps
Fred Hoyle's Contributions to Astronomy
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6 pages. It seems most of the scientific community has accepted the Big Bang Theory as the creation of the universe, but since that time Hoyle has always refused to follow that line, arguing that the Big Bang has not lived up to its early promise, and that his revised Steady State theory, that the universe has always existed, better fits the facts. This paper discusses the accomplishments and contributions to astronomy made by Fred Hoyle. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAhoyle.wps
Gemstone Enhancement
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A 5 page overview of the technologies and methodologies involved in the artificial enhancement of gemstones. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Gemstone.wps
Geographic Information Systems: Trail Placement In Forested Recreation Areas
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6 pages in length. The technological explosion of the latter twentieth century has rendered tremendous advancement in areas that were considered untouchable only a few decades ago. Clearly, the progress that has been achieved through technology is nothing short of astounding, inasmuch as there is no telling what may be waiting just around the next corner. One of the most beneficial technological developments that has been instrumental in assessing and addressing forestry issues is that of the Geographic Information System (GIS), an assemblage of computer hardware, software and geographic data created as a means by which to efficiently retrieve, store, renew, manipulate, scrutinize and display all types of geographically
referenced information. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLC_GIS.wps
Geographic Perspective on International Relations
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This 7 page paper discusses the impact of geography on international relations. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: HVGeoIR.rtf
Geographical Theories And Concepts
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9 pages in length. Understanding the spatial components of planet Earth encompasses myriad fields of knowledge; centuries' worth of study has provided the twenty-first century scientific community with the extensive scope it possesses. One of the most important fields from which this knowledge was gleaned is that of geography, a particular science that addresses everything associated with the earth's surface. Working upon the fundamental basis developed by researchers hundreds of years ago, contemporary geographical analysts have the benefits of knowing the planet's how's and why's as it relates to the developed world. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCGeoGl.rtf
Geologic Theories
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A 5 page comparison of the theories of
catastrophism, neptunism, uniformitarianism and plutonism or volcanism. Describes the contentions of each and concludes that contemporary
thought recognizes a combination of Neo-Catastrophism and uniformitarianism as being the most logical explanation of the forces which shaped the earth. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPgeoFrm.wps
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