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Papers On Earth & Physical Sciences
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Ecology of the Coral Reefs in the Hawaiian Islands
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This is an 8 page paper discussing the ecology of the Hawaiian coral reefs. The Hawaiian Islands stretch for over 2,300 kilometers and also contain what are considered unique coral reefs because they are geologically younger than many other coral reefs, have no barrier reefs among the windward islands, and are also less diverse than many other coral reef ecosystems in the Pacific. Despite this however, the Hawaiian coral reefs ecology, divided into four zones based on the depth and distance from the shore, does have a diverse assortment of corals, plant life, invertebrates and fishes among larger species which live among the reefs. The ecology of the coral reefs in Hawaii is divided up into the reef flat zone (0-2 m from shore) which is most affected by terrestrial run-off and heavy wave impact; the reef bench zone (2-10 m) which has the largest diversity of coral, fish, invertebrate and plant species, the reef slope zone (10-30 m) in which finger coral is the dominant coral species; and the rubble zone (30-40 m) which is primarily coral fragments, rock and sand which provides a habitat for lobe and finger corals as well as sea cucumbers and an assortment of fish. Coral reefs in Hawaii provide a vast amount of revenue for the area at well over $250 million annually in the areas of commercial and recreational fishing and tourism. Like many of the coral reefs around the world however, the coral reefs in Hawaii are being damaged by a combination of natural and manmade events. Industrial, nutrient and fresh-water run-off kills the coral closest to the shore and allows for the spread of coral-killing algae after which recovery of the reef takes a great deal of time. In addition, increase in global water temperatures has led to coral bleaching which in some areas the reefs show little sign of recovery. Includes one page abstract.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TJHwcor1.rtf
Ecosystems: North and South.
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(5 pp). As we move into a new century we become
more aware of how hard we were on the planet in
the last one hundred years. This discussion
examines the general criteria of an ecosystem, and
then illustrates what an ecosystem is be describing
one on a north facing slope and one on a south
facing slope.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BBecoNS.doc
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This 5-page papers examines the El Nino event of 1997-1998, its causes and its impact on the environment.
Filename: MTelnino.rtf
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This 5-page paper discusses El Nino and its potential impact on hurricanes and hurricane development. Also included is a discussion about El Nino's economic impact. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MTelnhur.rtf
Environmental Ethics
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7 pages. This research paper is a defense of the following thesis statement: J. Baird Callicott is correct to suggest that a significant moral distinction should be drawn between wild and domestic animals. This paper defends three of the author's arguments that support his thesis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAeethc.rtf
Environmental Sciences
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A 9 page paper that discusses various aspects of environment sciences. Some of the history is discussed in relationship to research conducted long ago and academic history that has assisted in bringing the sciences closer together. A section discussing some of the more recent concerns is also included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: RAecology.wps
Expansion of the Universe and Type Ia Supernovae
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This 5 page
report discusses expansion of the universe and the impact of
evidence presented through the analysis of an astronomical event
has served, once again, to challenge the ways in which human
beings understand the universe of which they are a part.
Scientific evidence of the past several years have lead
astronomers and other scientists to understand that the expansion
of the universe is taking place at an ever-accelerating speed.
Such a conclusion has been reached through the observation of
Type Ia or, specifically, Type 1987a Supernova. Bibliography
lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWspnova.wps
Extra-Solar Planets
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A 12 page overview of extra-solar planets, those planets outside our own solar system which orbit around suns other than our Sun. Discusses the history of extra-solar planetary research providing the names and particulars of discoveries. Emphasizes the technological changes which are occurring which allow a constant refinement of astronomical theory regarding planet formation and behavior. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPastExP.wps
Family Interaction in Crises Related to Natural Disasters
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5 page report discusses family interactions and what takes place
in family relationships when a natural disaster such as an
earthquake occurs. Because the family is thought of as the basic
unit of society and is acknowledged for the essential
socio-economic functions that it performs, its place in dealing
with the impact of a natural disaster such as an earthquake must
be carefully considered. Family dynamics shift and a new set of
coping skills replace them. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWearthq.wps
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This 3 page paper gives an overview of Dr. Stephen Hawking, and Dr. Henry Norris Russell, two astronomers who have made significant contributions to their field in the modern era. Bibliographpy lists 2 sources.
Filename: MBastron.rtf
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