Papers On Poetry
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The Imagery of Joy in Coleridge and Keats
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A five page paper comparing Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and John Keats “Ode to a Nightingale” in terms of the way their imagery reflects the poet’s understanding of joy. The paper concludes that joy is spiritual rather than merely emotional, and thus Coleridge is able to tap into this faculty while Keats is not. No additional sources.
Filename: KBrime.rtf
The Theme of Lawlessness in the Works of Keats
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8 pages analyzing the theme of lawlessness in the poems of Keats; and particularly in his work entitled 'Robin Hood.' The writer discusses how events in Keats' own personal life influenced his writing on this particular theme. Bibliography cites 5 supporting critical sources.
Filename: Keats.wps
Childhood Revisited In Thomas' 'Fern Hill'
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A 5 page analysis of this famous poem by Dylan Thomas. The paper looks at the symbolism, theme, and meaning of Thomas' poem, and explains the reasoning behind his complex use of imagery. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Fernhill.wps
Debunking Myths in Cope and Thomas
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An eight page paper looking at two
villanelles by Dylan Thomas and Wendy Cope, showing how they debunk
myths we hold about love and death. The two poems discussed are Cope's
'Lonely Hearts' and Thomas' 'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.'
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KBdylan.wps
Dylan Thomas' 'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night'
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A 4 page paper analyzing, in detail, Dylan Thomas' great work, which has been called 'the finest villanelle ever written.' No additional works cited.
Filename: Dylan.wps
Dylan Thomas' 'Do Not Go Gently Into.... ' / Rage Against the Loss of Light
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A 4 page paper arguing that Dylan Thomas' 'Do Not Go Gently Into That Good Night' has various meanings about grieving and the fight for life, which are brought to light by Thomas through the use of adjectives, specific verbs, phraseology, and counter-terminology. 'Light' is not only a reference to the burning intelligence and gift of wise men, but also in reference to the body that houses that light. Thomas rages against the loss of light, of life--for his father and all good men. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Dontgo.wps
Dylan Thomas' 'Under Milk Wood'/ Analysis
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A 3 page account of the death of innocence, inevitability of death and cycle of life, and love of women in Under Milk Wood as it relates to Dylan's personal outlook on life. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Dylan2.wps
Thomas, Roethke, & Rich / Theme Of Struggle In Poetry
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A 6 page paper arguing that struggle and its resulting helplessness has value for both the observer and the participant as seen from the viewpoint of Dylan Thomas in 'Do not go..,' Roethke in 'My Papa's Waltz,' and Rich in '...Woman Mourned....' The paper discusses death, the dance of struggle, will(power), and helplessness as they relate to these three poems. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Thoroead.wps
'The Unities' Examined
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A 5 page paper which explains the importance and significance of 'The Unities' in the development of literary structure, as interpreted by Aristotle and John Dryden and its implications as to how people may read literature in the future. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Unities.wps
John Dryden's 'Mac Flecknoe' -- How It Relates To Thomas Shadwell
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A 5 page paper that compares Dryden's development of the character of Mac Flecnoe which is a devastating attack on Thomas Shadwell, one of Dryden's contemporaries. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Macfleck.wps
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