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Papers On More Philosophers & Philosophies
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Comparing Philosophies Of Life Through Classic Literature
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5 pages in length. There exist a great many philosophies by which people live their lives, which ultimately help maintain order and a sense of direction that otherwise would merely drift in subconscious thought. Examining these varied philosophies as they relate to Benjamin Franklin's attitude toward achieving material wealth and rising in the world; Henry David Thoreau's argument for a more spiritual way of life; Ralph Waldo Emerson's insistence on the need for self reliance and thinking for one self even to the point of separation from others; and Nathaniel Hawthorne's sad portrait of Young Goodman Brown, one finds that the separation between and among these philosophies reflects the distinct separations that also divide society. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCcompr.rtf

Concept Of Nature
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A 6 page paper that discusses the modern conceptualization of nature and compares this with Thoreau's concept of nature. An argument is made against Thoreau. Aristotle, Darwin, and Whitehead are also included in the discussion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGnatr.rtf

Concepts and Analysis of Stephen J. Gould’s Essay “Dolly’s Fashion and Louis’s Passion”
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This is a 4 page paper discussing Gould’s essay “Dolly’s Fashion and Louis’s Passion”. Anthropologist Stephen J. Gould questions in his essay “Dolly’s Fashion and Louis’s Passion” (2000) man’s presumed need to always present components within the world in categories and dichotomies. He argues that human life is filled with such “foibles” and conflicts as firstly “our need to create order in a complex world begets our worst mental habit: dichotomy” and second that “many deep questions about our loves and livelihood, and fates of nations, truly have no answers”. One of the most prevalent dichotomies which seems to annoy Gould the most and which leads man down many false paths is that of the “nature versus nurture” debate; or the “genetic versus environmental sources of human abilities and behaviors”. The fact this question is always an “either-or dichotomy verges on the nonsensical” according to Gould. He then proceeds to highlight two particular modern readings in which the scientific perspective (nature) is presented but the environmental (nurture) perspective is ignored because of today’s preference for the scientific theory. Despite the current trend of today, Gould and some educators do not ignore the centuries of debate which have also discussed the nurture component and more importantly for Gould, readers should be aware that this debate (and others) should not be considered as “either-or”. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TJGould1.rtf

Confucius, Buddha, and Socrates: Contrasts and Similarities
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A 6 page overview of the ideological similarities and differences which exists between these philosophers. Contends that while these philosophers share many of the same ideological premises, Confucius and Socrates looked to government as the means to overcome man’s innate tendencies towards greed and corruption. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPconfuB.rtf

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Examining the philosophy of Dr. Karl Popper, this paper examines his research theory on conjecture and refutation, in which hypothesis aren't so much tested on their truth, but rather, on falsifications. The paper also discusses arguments supporting and refuting Dr. Popper's comments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTconref.rtf

Consequences of Locke’s Argument on Descartes Mind-Body Dualism
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This 5 page report discusses John Locke’s argument that there is not the capability of the human intellect to hold innate knowledge which then means that Rene Descartes’ foundationalist assumptions have to be re-evaluated. How the two ideas then relate to Leibniz’s philosophy is then presented. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWminbod.rtf

Constructing a Valid Argument Regarding Cultural Relativism
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This 5 page report discusses Cultural Relativism and whether or not it serves as a truly valid argument in terms of philosophical argumentation. It is important to understand that in actually constructing a meaningful argument one must present the statement or the premise and then carefully substantiate how and why the conclusion is reached that leads to such an assertion. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BWculrel.wps

Contingent Apriori Truths
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This 5 page paper considers the idea that it is possible for contingent a priori truths to exist. The writer looks at the meaning of this apparent oxymoron, and examines this, including the use of ideas by Kant and Hume. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEaprotr.rtf

Continuity of Personal Identity
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This 5 page report discusses the “continuity of personal identity” and the ways by which such a term may be defined and explained in the context of an individual person’s development. It is essential to consider the philosophical nature of the question “What makes you you?” and move forward from that point. Life allows for both continuity and discontinuity. Consider the example of a seed and a plant. Once the seed becomes a plant, it is an entirely different entity but does that mean it has no continuity of any kind with the former seed and its body? These are the types of questions that also apply to human beings. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWconID.wps

Crime and Society; The Increasing Crime Rate in Eighteenth – Nineteenth Century England
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This 11 page paper considers discusses the reasons behind the rising wave of crime in 18th and 19th century England and how the thinkers of the Enlightenment sought improve and reduce the crime rate. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEcrimso.wps

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