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Papers On More Philosophers & Philosophies
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Critical Analysis of Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative, in Terms of Lying to Protect a Potential Murder Victim
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A 4 page paper which critically assesses the validity of Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative, which states that lying is wrong in all circumstances, including to protect a person whose whereabouts are being sought by a murderer. Specifically considered are arguments by Barbara Herman who defends Kant's position, and Christine M. Korsgaard who asserts that lying to a murderer does not violate Kant's first or second Categorical Imperative formulations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TGkanlie.wps

Critical Thinking And Intellectuals In Contemporary Society
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5 pages in length. In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, the author advocates the presence of philosopher-kings; in fact, he claims public service is the duty of those who have (metaphorically) ascended to the sunlight, admonishing those intellectuals of his time not to turn their backs upon those who still reside within the darkness, inasmuch as their responsibility is to teach and to lead. The type of critical thinking Shaw describes clearly corresponds to Plato's Allegory, which is to get back to the very basics of human interaction. The role that critical thinking plays within contemporary American society is one that is quickly dwindling in social importance; indeed, the role it should play is one that is as integral to human survival as breathing is. In American popular culture today, the past thirty years has demonstrated an anti-intellectual tendency that appeared to have reached its peak approximately ten to fifteen years ago. When one considers the reason(s) for this drastic change and the impact anti-intellectualism has had upon government and public institutions, one can easily surmise that technology has played a significant role. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCintel.wps

Criticisms of Cartesian Dualism in the 20th Century
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A 10 page paper which examines the criticisms of Cartesian dualism in the 20th century. Sources used and cited were provided by the student in fax form. As such there is no bibliography included.
Filename: RAcartfx.rtf

Critique of Hobbes's View on Political Order and the Nature of Man
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of Hobbes's theories and critiques his political philosophy that is contingent on his ideas about man. Quotes from Leviathan are provided. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA043Hob.wps

Critique on Hume's Of the Original Contract
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This 5 page paper looks at Hume's work on social contracts and provides some support for the thesis. The ideas are explored in depth and contemporary examples are provided. No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA149Hum.rtf

Critiques Of Ethical Relativism
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9 pages in length. One of the fundamental principles of existence is that of ethical relativism, which provides the concepts of how people incorporate ethical occurrences throughout their daily existence. Indeed, the issues behind ethics and morality are critical to defining what meaning truly represents. Of those who have addressed these concepts, Michele Moody-Adams, Gilbert Harman, David Wong and John L. Mackie stand out as being most intimately associated. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: TLCcritq.wps

Cultural Relativism
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5 pages. This paper argues the thesis that any cultural-relativist argument is, to some extent self-serving as it represents only the interests of the government, person or group representing that argument. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JAculrel.rtf

Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe": Important Contexts
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6 pages in length. The social and philosophical context that resides within the literary masterpiece of Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" exemplifies the nature of individualism and how this notion is often misconstrued within society's confined boundaries of human behavior. To be unique within a world of sameness is a quest sought by many people; however, it is by way of such an objective that one becomes labeled as selfish and intolerant of commonly accepted methods. This negative connotation of individualism – which is to maintain an independence from the norm – has cast an even darker meaning upon striving to achieve one's own distinctiveness. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCcruso.wps

Dante’s Search for Truth in “The Divine Comedy” and Man’s Understanding of the Nature of the Universe
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This is a 5 page paper on Dante’s search for truth in “The Divine Comedy”. Dante’s “The Divine Comedy” tells of the central character’s journey through hell, purgatory and heaven. In hell, The Inferno, Dante is guided by Virgil whom shows him the sinners from earth and tells him of how they differentiate from those in purgatory. Dante’s questions about truth begin when he examines the sheer numbers of those in hell and continues until his revelation in heaven (Paradiso) at the end of the work. Acceptance of Dante’s well patterned universe however has been debated over the centuries as a possible explanation of the metaphysical nature of the universe. Dante insisted that his work not be taken as one of fiction and because of this many theologians applauded his explanation of a well ordered universe where man was punished directly for his sins. Others believe that the acceptance of Dante’s order of the universe is based on if man lives for his time on earth or if he lives for the life after. For those who live for today, man may either accept or deny Dante’s order or decide that man is not able to understand or should not understand the nature of the universe. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TJDanTr1.rtf

David Armstrong's 'Nature of the Mind'
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A 3 page paper discussing philosopher David Armstrong's theories about the 'Nature of the Mind.' Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Armstrong.wps

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