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Papers On More Philosophers & Philosophies
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Capital Punishment: The Philosophies of the Ancient Greeks, Kant, Mill, and Contemporary Thinkers
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A 10 page examination of the moral acceptability of capital punishment. Explores the opinions of Pythagoras, Socrates, Kant, Mill, and others to determine if their is a common consensus of the morality of taking another life as a matter of punishment of one's deeds. Concludes that there is no consensus and that the true answer to the morality of such a practice lies in a fully developed moral consciousness. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPcapGrk.wps

Careless Mining And Timber Harvesting: Kantian Theory
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6 pages in length. Careless mining and timber harvesting in tropical rain forests can destroy entire species of flora and fauna, create soil problems, and even threaten the existence of primitive people who are reliant on what the forests provide. Yet in a number of countries business entrepreneurs are exploiting the rain forests for profit. Kantian theory addresses just such self-seeking behavior, inasmuch as the philosopher believed that such tremendous devastation is not accomplished for the greater good. According to Kantian duty, those who compromise their ethical responsibilities do so in disrespect for the understanding of universal duty. The writer discusses Kantian theory as it relates to careless mining and timber harvesting. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCtimbr.wps

Cartesian Circle
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A paper which looks at the philosophical problems associated with the Cartesian circle, and some of the ways in which both Descartes and other thinkers attempted to resolve them. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JLcirc.rtf

Causal Theory of Action
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This 12 page report discusses causal theory of action and the fact that it is in and of itself an example of the ways in which causal realism describes a direct perception of causality rather than a perception based an actual innate ability or a learned response. The psychological aspect of the causal theory suggests that perception can be separated into mental and physical parts, which are then related as cause and effect. Unlike the theories associated with behaviorism, causal theorism presents the idea that mental states are real inner states that cause human behavior. In other words, behaving in certain ways is not all that there is to thinking or the processes of intelligence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWcausal.wps

Chapter IV in “Utilitarianism” by John Stuart Mill
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This is a 5 page paper discussing the argument presented by Mill in Chapter 4 of “Utilitarianism” (1863). John Stuart Mill was raised on the utilitarian principles indoctrinated by his father James which are based largely on people’s actions are the result of their desire for ultimate happiness and all actions are elements of this happiness or a means to attain it. In Mill’s Chapter IV of “Utilitarianism” (1863), he attempts to prove this system of utility based on the principle of desire for ultimate happiness. To do this, he uses an indirect method of proof and in accepting his argument the reader must accept the basis of utilitarianism in order to extrapolate his principle to include the elements of will and virtue; elements many philosophers believe are not conscious acts of desire but remain unconscious in their design. Mill believes that will and virtue along with other elements such as money, power and fame are all originally based on the desire for general happiness and are therefore included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TJMillU1.rtf

Chisholm's Theory of Knowledge
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A 6 page paper discussing Roderick M. Chisholm's approach to relying on the senses and on memory as sources of knowledge. Even though other approaches hold that we know nothing at all and that the senses cannot be trusted, that approach also requires acceptance of assumptions. Because those individuals uttering or writing the words have the knowledge that can translate into symbols for the ideas belies the position that such knowledge is not possible. Knowledge originates from physical function, but it is not reducible to purely physical properties because we are able to revise the beliefs we generate from collected knowledge. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KSmind.wps

Cicero, John Stuart Mill And Martin Luther King, Jr: Liberty, Justice And Freedom
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6 pages in length. Theorists have long philosophized about the tenets of liberty, justice and freedom, with many espousing their application to every class, race and gender. That society continues to struggle with providing liberty, justice and freedom across the board, as opposed to segregating it between rich/poor, higher class/lower class, black/white, speaks to the blatant oversight man has made with regard to equitable civilization. Cicero, John Stuart Mill and Martin Luther King, Jr. represent both sides of this perpetual quest for social equity, with Cicero and King speaking for all the people and Mill supporting the greater good. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCMillC.rtf

Classic Indian Philosophy: Consciousness and Cognition, Language and Perception
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A 9 page overview of classic Indian philosophy, a philosophy replete with a diversity of viewpoints as to how cognition and perception occur within the human brain. This paper has outlined some of the major points of some of the predominant schools of thought. These schools include the Nayaya, Advaita Vedanta, and the Buddhist, among others. Particular attention is paid to detailing the importance of consciousness as it relates to cognition, and language as it relates to perception. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PPindPhl.rtf

Comparing and Contrasting Eros According to Aristophanes and Freud:
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This 7 page paper discusses how both Freud and Aristophanes viewed the idea of eros. This paper examines issues such as the origin of sexual preferences, the relationship between sexuality and love, and the selectivity of eros. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: GSEros12.rtf

Comparing and Contrasting Freud and Bergson:q
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This 7 page paper discusses the philosophies of Sigmund Freud and his concept of the ego and Id and Henri Bergson and his philosophy of Creative Evolution. This paper asks and answers the question, "Were the irrationalists all that irrational?" Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: GSBergsn.rtf

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