Papers On More Philosophers & Philosophies
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"Oration on the Dignity of Man" by Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola
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A 5 page
paper which provides a summary and then reaction to Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola's
"Oration on the Dignity of Man." No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAmirndl.rtf
"Psychological Egoism" by Joel Feinberg
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A 6 page paper which examines the essay
"Psychological Egoism" by Joel Feinberg. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: RAjoel.rtf
"The Communist Manifesto"
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A 5 page paper which presents a brief review of Karl Marx' "The Communist Manifesto." The paper also presents three strength and three weaknesses. Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.
Filename: RAmrxman.wps
"The Dream of Descartes" by Jacques Maritain
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A 6 page review of Jacques
Maritain's "The Dream of Descartes." No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAmaritn.rtf
"Utilitarian Ethics" by Mills and "Kantianism Ethics" by Kant
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A 5 page paper
which summarizes, compares and contrasts, and analyzes, for weaknesses, the two forms
of ethical thought as presented by Mills and Kant. No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAmllknt.wps
'Fog and the Friction' / Always Part of the War
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A 6 page paper arguing that regardless of how mechanized and technologically advanced warfare becomes, it will still contain the 'fog and friction' described by Karl von Clausewitz. While technology will assist on the battlefield, it will not make up for numerous other factors. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Fogfric.wps
10 Questions on Philosophy
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This 12 page paper consider 10 question regarding different philosophers views on reality, perception and God. The philosophers considered include John Lock, Stephen Cahn, Bertrand Russell, Albert Camus, David Hume, John Wisdom, Rene Descartes and George Berkeley. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TE10quest.wps
A Comparison of the Theories of Polybius and Hobbes
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of the theories of these two philosophers. Their ideas are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: SA245hob.rtf
A Critical Analysis of John Hospers’ “Argument Against Skepticism”
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This is a 5 page report analyzing John Hospers’ “Argument Against Skepticism”. John Hospers’ “Argument Against Skepticism” provides several requirements and conditions for “knowing”: propositions must be true, must be believed to be true and evidence must be available in support of the propositions. The question of evidence remains controversial for the most part as Hospers and critics submit that the degree of evidence must be good enough for those to believe it. “Knowing” is also considered by Hospers to have a “weak” and “strong” sense in which a “weak” sense is used by most people on a daily basis and is based on individuals’ having good reason to belief a proposition is true based on the evidence whereas a “strong” sense of knowing has absolutely conclusive evidence in support of it and is what interests philosophers the most. Hospers’ arguments differ from that of Descartes and also a great deal from the hypotheses presented by the skeptics; Descartes with the concept that knowledge itself proves existence and the skeptics presenting that nothing is known for certain.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TJskept1.rtf
A Critical Comparison of Aristotle and Plato on the Issue of Arete (Virtue):
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This 8 page paper discusses the philosophers Plato and Aristotle and compares and contrasts their ideas concerning virtue. This paper finds that there are many similarities as well as some notable differences between the philsophies of these two men. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: GSPhilos.rtf
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