Papers On Philosophy Of Religion, God'S Existence & Freewill
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Free Will Verses Determinism as Revealed in Selections from the Fictional Literature
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A 10 page exploration of the short stories encompassed by Miguel de Unamuno and Eric Bentley in their books “Abel Sanchez and Other Stories” (Unamuno) and “Life is a Dream: (Bentley). Unamuno’s book contains the short stories “Abel Sanchez”, “The Madness of Doctor Montarco”, and “San Manuel Bueno, Matyr” while Bentley’s “Life is a Dream” encompasses translations of Calderon's “La Vida es un Sueño” (Life is a Dream), Lope de Vega's “Fuente Ovejuna” (Fountain of Youth), and Tirso de Molina's “Don Juan”. Each of these stories add insight to our understanding of the free will verses determinism debate. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPlifeDr.rtf
Free Will, Determinism And Moral Responsibility
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This 7 page paper addresses the very complex question of: Can free will and moral responsibility coexist? Calling on such historical figures as Kant, Hobbes, Tolstoy, Spinoza, Hume and Locke, the writer define freedom of action and describes and defines the different models of determinism. The essay suggests that free will and moral responsibility can coexist even within one model of determinism. The writer also points out that Hume was a compatibilist, which follows the belief that there is no inconsistency between thinking that our actions are causally determined by factors outside our control, and thinking that we can be morally responsible and have free will. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGfrwldt.rtf
Free Will: The Views of Hume and Locke
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This 5 page paper focuses on Hume's ideas about cause and effect. Locke's idea about power is duly noted and compared and contrasted with that of Hume. The concept of fate is discussed in depth and the issue of free will vs. determinism is at the center of that discussion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA530Hm.rtf
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This 6 page paper discusses the issues of free will and determinism as proscribed and argued by Dr. Richard Taylor in his book, Metaphysics. Quotes cited from text. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MBfreewill.rtf
Freedom of the Will According to Immanuel Kant and David Hume
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This 6 page report discusses Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and David Hume (1711-1776) who were two of the 18th century Western world’s philosophers who were particularly concerned with issues relating to what is “right” or “good” and what best serves the needs of humankind both collectively and individually. Their thoughts regarding the freedom of the human will are discussed and compared. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWfreewl.rtf
Freedom Within Specific Philosophical Views
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A 15 page paper. This essay addresses freedom within the concepts of fatalism, determinism/indeterminism, predestination and existentialism. Different philosophers as well as the Bible are used as references in the discussion of how freedom is perceived within these philosophical issues. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: PGfree8.wps
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This 3 page paper examines whether a person has freewill or lives according to determined natural laws. Bibliography lists 0 sources.
Filename: MBfrewil.rtf
Freud, Socrates, Christ
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This 5 page paper addresses two topics: What would Socrates say about Freud's Civilization and its Discontents; and What would Freud say about the Sermon on the Mount/The Beatitudes? Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGfrdsc.rtf
Friedrich Nietzsche and Why Punishment Exists
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This 5 page report discusses Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and his belief that traditional values represent a “slave morality,” a morality created by weak and resentful individuals who encouraged such behavior as gentleness and kindness because the behavior serves their interests. The report examines his understanding of human thought regarding severe and oppressing punishment as the end result of a failure to meet predetermined moral obligations and follow the constrictions associated with those responsibilities. Bibliography lists one source.
Filename: BWntzglt.rtf
G.F. Leibniz's Theory of Monads
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A 4 page critique of Gottfield Wilheml Leibniz's Monad theory which attempts to describe a harmonious universe made up of an infinite number of monads, or units, arranged in a hierarchy and originating in the Supreme Monad, which is God. The writer feels that Leibniz's theory is both vague and overstated-- leaving room open for much question. No Bibliography.
Filename: Leibniz.wps
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