Papers On Philosophy Of Religion, God'S Existence & Freewill
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Does God Exist ?
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Approximately 80 pages (available in much smaller sections or chapters) containing thorough analyses and assessments of arguments for and against the existence of God. Excellent for studies in religion, philosophy etc; Please send e-mail for more details. Bibliographic references are available.
Filename: Exist.rtf
Does God Exist?
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This 5 page paper explores the question, using Descartes argument as a springboard for discussion. Lack of scientific evidence of God's existence is discussed.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA148God.rtf
Does God Exist?: A Dialogue
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A 6 page paper which examines a dialogue between two
people arguing about God’s existence. The paper finds weaknesses in one side of the
argument. No sources cited.
Filename: RAgodxst.rtf
Dostoyevsky, Ibsen, Nietzsche, and Freud: Differing Views of Morality and Religion
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An 8 page discussion of the influence of factors like religion and belief in God, as opposed to factors such as greed, lust, jealousy, and regret in the characters presented in Dostoyevsky’s “Demons” and Ibsen’s “Enemy of the People”. Contrasts these author’s ideologies with those of Freud and Nietzsche. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPdostoy.wps
Dworkin And Boxill: Abortion And Justice
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Bernard Boxill's book, Blacks
And Social Justice is concerned with the issues of bringing the social
system (including the justice system) into balance. Ronald Dworkin, in
his book, Life's Dominions, has set down the elements of debate on the
right to abortion and euthanasia. This 10 page paper explores the
opinions of these two authors, specific to the subject of abortion
(Dworkin) and justice (Boxill). Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KTboxdwk.wps
Edward Taylor and Benjamin Franklin: Man and Religion
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A 5 page paper which
discusses how Edward Taylor, in his Meditation 8, and Benjamin Franklin, in his
autobiography, see man's relationship to religion and the world. No additional sources
Filename: RAbenfrk.wps
Egoism and The Golden Rule
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This 6 page paper evaluates morality. What is personal morality versus universal morality? These ideas are discussed in light of views from two theorists in opposition. Is hedonism man's highest good, or something more? Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: SA337ego.rtf
Enlightenment's Effect on Theology
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A 10 page paper discussing the role of the Enlightenment and the philosophy of Immanuel Kant in the shaping of modern theology. Kant observed, "If we are asked, 'Do we now live in an enlightened age?' the answer is, 'No, but we do live in an age of enlightenment.'" Kant provided a framework within which individuals are able to hold to faith in God and grow in autonomy and personal responsibility while yet relying on God to direct their lives. Pre-Enlightenment theology kept the individual from the throne in the same way that the curtain separated individuals from the Most Holy Place of the tabernacle. The Enlightenment – aided by Kant's philosophy – tore away the curtain that men had replaced long after Jesus' death. Modern theology can make the way clear, but it is still left to individuals to choose to travel the path. Bibliography lists 15 sources in 25 footnotes.
Filename: KSrelPhilTheo.rtf
Epicurean Ethics
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A 5 page paper discussing the Epicurean view of good and evil (i.e.,
pleasure and pain) and the part that knowledge plays in bringing the happiness that should be the
goal of every individual. Epicurus (342-270 B.C.) maintained that the pursuit of pleasure was not
that which could be procured through physical enjoyments, but rather through contemplation.
Therefore knowledge can only contribute to the happy life, for increased knowledge can bring
increased assurance that the Epicurean way is the true one. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSepicure.rtf
Epistemology and the Theory of Knowledge
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This 5 page paper relates the central beliefs of Robert Audi, in his book Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge. Audi considered the question of justification and the premise that justification is commonly the basis for understanding and believing something. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MHEpiKno.rtf
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