Papers On Philosophy Of Religion, God'S Existence & Freewill
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Descartes: The Cogito and Communication With Other Minds and Corporealities of Extension
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A 4 page overview of Descartes’ presentation of the cogito or “thinking thing” and the duality of mind and body which results. Details Descartes’ justification of the cogito and his explanation as to how it, separated from the world and its other beings, might nevertheless communicate reasonably with other minds and meaningfully relate to these and other corporealities of “extension”. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PPdesca4.rtf
Descartes’ Cogito Argument
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This is a 4 page paper discussing the interpretations of Descartes’ cogito argument. Philosopher Rene Descartes (1596-1650) wrote his Mediations de prima philosophia in 1641 in an attempt to find the basic absolute truths in our beliefs, more specifically into a “belief he can be certain is true, even if he is believing, or God or an evil demon is trying to deceive him as fully as possible”. In Mediation II (1642), Descartes writes that “So after considering everything very thoroughly, I must finally conclude that this proposition, I am, I exist, is necessarily true whenever it is put forward by me or conceived in my mind”. There are several interpretations which have arisen from Descartes’ Mediation II, the most common being the idea “Cogito ergo sum” or “I am thinking, therefore I exist”. The two main interpretations of Descartes’ Mediation II involve the emphasis of the “I” within “I am, I exist” and the emphasis of the concept “think” within “I am thinking, therefore I exist”.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TJcogit1.rtf
Descartes’ Deductive Reasoning, Definitions and Principles Used to Argue the Existence of God
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This is a 5 page paper discussing Descartes’ deductive reasoning, definitions and principles used in proving the existence of God. In Rene Descartes’ Meditation III, he proposes a logical argument to prove the existence of God. To do this, he presents an internally consistent argument through deductive reasoning and in addition provides further clarification for the reader in terms of definitions of formal and objective reality and principles for reality which help clarify his argument. Even without the further definitions and explanations of the principles however, upon accepting the initial premises that “nothing comes from nothing”, “the cause of the effect must have as much reality as its effect”, and “the cause of the idea must have as much reality as the idea itself”, then the introduction of the idea of God, and the cause of this idea is logical in its conclusion that since only God has infinite reality then only God is the cause of the idea of God (also infinite reality) and therefore God exists.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TJDesca1.rtf
Desiderius Erasmus and Martin Luther On Free Will
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This 7 page paper
presents the positions of Desiderius Erasmus and Martin Luther on the
subject of free will. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KTeralut.wps
Destiny or Circumstance?: Are Human Beings in Charge of Their Destiny?
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A 5 page discussion of destiny as it relates to the actional and nonactional theories. Associates the theory of biological determinism with the nonactional theory but observes other areas of research which indicate numerous factors, particularly parental involvement in our childhood, affect the way we live our lives. Concludes that there is some validity to the Actional Theory, the theory that it is us that determine our destiny. What becomes clear, however, is that our destinies are determined not only by factors which are under our control but also be predetermined factors such as our genes. Destiny therefore is predetermined in some instances but entirely under our control in others. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPdestin.wps
Destiny, Doubt & Delusion - The Eternal Question of Existence:
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An 8-page paper that explores man's obsession with his origin, the reason for his existence and his ultimate destiny following death. Included is a discussion of the philosophy of absolute doubt and absolute certainty as developed by Rene Descartes as well as a discussion of man's destiny as outlined in the Holy Bible. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: LCExist.doc
Did Descartes Contradict Himself in the Meditations?
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This 3 page paper asks this compelling question and answers with a resounding no. The dreaming argument is the focus of this paper. Other meditations are discussed and Descartes' proof of God's existence is explored as well. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA325Des.rtf
Discussions of the Cosmological, Ontological and Teleological Arguments and Criticisms on the Existence of God by Descartes, Kant and Hume
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This is a 9 page paper discussing the cosmological, ontological and teleological arguments and criticisms in regards to the existence of God by Descartes, Kant and Hume. Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant and David Hume among many others have arguments in regards to the existence of God. Descartes offered cosmological and ontological arguments for the existence of God. Descartes’ cosmological argument is causal in its format as it is based on the premise that the idea of infinite perfection could only originate from the real existence of an infinite being. From an ontological perspective, Descartes offers a more simple presupposition in that whatever he clearly can perceive is true and if he can perceive the idea of God, then God exists. Kant argues primarily against the use of presuppositions in Descartes arguments as he notes that “existence is not a property or predicate” but merely a “positing of a thing”. Hume, on the other hand criticizes the arguments on the basis that “matter of fact” can only be based on experience. In addition, “whatever we conceive as existent, we can also conceive as non-existent”. Hume also argues against the analogies used in the teleological arguments for the existence of God because they too can never settle a factual question and to assume that one can know a cause of an action without experiencing it is a faulty and misleading assumption as events or actions can be caused by multiple purposes and no one cause can be assumed.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TJcosmo1.rtf
Divine Reality?
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This 6 page paper provides an unbeliever's
understanding of the Divine Reality, looks at why organized religion is
not to be followed and offers an alternative belief system in naturalism
and transcendentalism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KTrealty.wps
Does God Exist
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This 4 page paper presents an argument for God's existence. This brief paper comments on matter and energy, how evil can exist in the same universe as God and St. Thomas Aquinas' argument regarding cause and effect. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGexist.rtf
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