Papers On Philosophy Of Religion, God'S Existence & Freewill
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Comparing and Contrasting Aristotle and Confucius:
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This 12 page paper examines the similarities and differences between the philosophies of Aristotle and Confucius. Specifically, this paper highlights their ideas on virtue and reason, which in both instances exist outside of a theological paradigm. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: GSArtCof.rtf
Comparing and Contrasting Descartes and Hume:
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This 5 page paper examines the similarities and differences between the way Descartes and Hume viewed our knowledge of the world. This paper theorizes what each would have said about the views of the other, in addition to the detailed analysis of each philosophers own perspectives. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: GSDeHume.rtf
Comparing and Contrasting Philosophers:
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This 6 page paper compares and contrasts the major theories of Kant, Descartes, Hume, Hegel and Hobbes. This paper cites many examples from their works as a basis for comparing these men and their ideas. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: GSKantHu.rtf
Comparing and Contrasting Plato and Hobbes Regarding Justice:
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This 8 page paper compares and contrasts the ideas of Hobbes and Plato in regards to justice. These two philosophers had extremely different views on this matter as evidenced in the "Leviathan" and "The Republic". Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: GSPlaJus.rtf
Comparing Augustinianism and Thomism in Facing a Moral Dilemma
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5 pages in length. Gives an example case of a moral dilemma and examines it using both the theology of Augustinianism and that of Thomism. In the moral dilemma examined here, these two theologies will help determine whether we are doing the right or wrong thing, whether we might be tempted to ‘play God’ and if that is the case, whether it is a right or wrong action to take based on the example theology. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: JGAmachvwps
Comparing Buddhism and Shinto in Japan
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This 7 page report discusses the fact that
there are approximately 311 million Buddhists in the world and approximately four
million people who define Shinto as their primary belief system. The point is made that,
in Japan, many millions more participate in Shinto ceremonies or celebrations than those
who profess it as a religion. Understanding that fact is an important aspect of
understanding the differences and similarities between Shinto and Buddhism in
contemporary Japan. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWshinbd.rtf
Comparison of Feminist Theories on Motherhood and the Concept of the Goddess
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This is a 5 page paper discussing different feminist theories on motherhood and the Goddess. Within feminist theories are different aspects regarding concepts of motherhood and the Goddess among other historical and cultural issues. Some feminists such as Sarah Ruddick see motherhood as an empowerment of women to gain a new perspective on the theories of practicality over those of military violence and through their nurturing and training of their children can aid in the peace making process. Other feminists however such as Jeffner Allen see motherhood as yet another example of men’s oppression by restricting women to domestic duties. The concept of the Goddess is also considered by Mary Daly and Carol Christ. Research on the concept of the Goddess has found that the Goddess is an extension of women’s inner self and is not seen necessarily as an omnipotent and suppressive being but one which advocates change, flexibility and nature.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TJSRudd1.rtf
Concepts and Insights from Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil
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This 6 page paper examines Nietzsche's classic work. Concepts such as transvaluation and will to power are explored and defined. Some quotes are included. The philosophy of Karl Marx is compared and contrasted to the philosopher's. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA542N.rtf
Concepts in Philosophy
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This 7 page paper addresses various issues in philosophy such as freedom versus determinism, knowledge, and the existence of God. Theorists explored are Descartes, Kant, Hume and Leibniz. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: SA217ph.rtf
Conscience and Duty according to Kant
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A five page paper which looks at Kant's definition of conscience and duty in Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, particularly in terms of the way conscience and organised religion may come into conflict.
Filename: JLconsc.rtf
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