Papers On Philosophy Of Religion, God'S Existence & Freewill
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Boethius: virtue and happiness
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A paper which considers Boethius' philosophy of happiness, and the need for the virtuous individual to understand predestination, free will and moral choice in order to achieve true happiness despite the privations of the material world. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JLboeth.rtf
Bonnette's Origin Of The Human Species
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The philosopher, Dennis
Bonnette, in his book, Origin Of The Human Species, provides an analysis
of current paleontological theory that is congruent with the
philosophical stand of both Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. This 7 page
paper asserts that Bonnette, Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas share in the
belief that the study of mind is unequivocally melded with the concept
of evolution and by the advance of science. Bibliography lists 6
Filename: KTdenbon
Can Free Will And Determinism Coexist?
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4 pages in length. To consider the otherwise opposing aspects of free will and determinism as being complementary entities is to embrace the notion of compatibilism. Historically speaking, free will and determinism have long represented a paradoxical reality save the handful of philosophers who believed that while one or the other may take precedence in the overall scheme of man's complex behaviors, both can duly coexist within the vast realm of humanity. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCFrWlDetCo.rtf
Can Free Will Exist Amidst Determinism?
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5 pages in length. Most people like to think that human beings possess free will, at least with regard to a wide range of actions. In contrast, however, mankind also thinks that certain people lack the aspect of free will. Many great theorists have contended that the reason some people may, indeed, lack free will is not so much due to the determined nature of their choices and behavior, but rather due to the fact that their behavior is not responsive to their choices in such a manner as to reflect those who do possess free will. When examining this view in further detail, it is important for the student to consider whether or not one can possess free will while at the same time having one's choices and behavior determined by a greater force. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCdetfw.wps
Can There Be Morality Without God?
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An 8 page argumentative essay that draws on Plato's Euthyphro and Nielsen's article "God and the Good" to consider the question in the title. The writes argues that "yes" morality is possible without consideration of God's will, or in Plato's case, the will of the gods. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khmorwog.rtf
Cartesian Circle
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A paper which looks at the philosophical problems associated with the Cartesian circle, and some of the ways in which both Descartes and other thinkers attempted to resolve them. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JLcirc.rtf
Cartesian Mind/Body Dualism
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A 5 page research paper/essay that examines what two articles say about dualism and Descartes and then offers the writer's personal observations. Dualism maintains that the mind and the body are distinctly separate entities (Calef). The dualism espoused by Rene Descartes expresses this philosophy in its "most radical form" (Palmer 114). First by looking at what author Donald Palmer has to say about dualism in his text Does the Center Hold? (1996) and then comparing this with further comment by Scott Calef of Ohio Wesleyan University, this examination lays the foundation for formulating personal observations on the validity of this philosophical perspective. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: khdual2.rtf
Chinese Humanism Regarding Heaven
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This 7 page paper argues that the
approaches to Heaven are seen as being varied among the ancient Chinese
philosophers, however, they shared a viewpoint based on humanistic
principles similar to those proposed by Western philosophers of note.
The basic form of understanding toward Heaven and a priori intervention
is first presented by Confucius and then expanded or negated by
philosophers who followed, specifically Xunzi, Zhuang Zi and Mo Zi.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KTheaven.wps
Christian Responsibility – Abortion
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A 10 page paper that discusses the issue of abortion and Christian responsibility and most specifically, the stance of the Catholic Church on abortion. The writer begins with the number of abortions reported in the year 2000. One of the major points of controversy in civil life regarding abortion is 'viability' – at what age can the fetus live outside the womb. Legally, this is the moment the infant achieves status as a human being but what does the church say about this issue. It may surprise some to know the Catholic/Christian Church addressed this topic in the first century and has addressed it numerous times since. These documents are cited. Within the discussion of abortion, the writer discusses what conscience is, the formation of conscience, the moral life, and what happens when there is a conflict between one's conscience and the authority of the Church. bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PGabrcth.rtf
Comparative Philosophy / Blatchford vs. Stace & Hempel vs. Pierce
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4 pages worth of philosophical essays comparing the theories of Blatchford with those of Stace on various issues concerning freewill, existence, determination, etc; Theories of Hempel and Pierce are discussed as well. No Bibliography.
Filename: Philosop.wps
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