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Papers On Philosophy
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Edward Taylor and Benjamin Franklin: Man and Religion
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A 5 page paper which discusses how Edward Taylor, in his Meditation 8, and Benjamin Franklin, in his autobiography, see man's relationship to religion and the world. No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAbenfrk.wps

Emerson on Tocqueville
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A 5 page paper which discusses how Ralph Waldo Emerson may have reacted to Alexis de Tocqueville's "Democracy in America." Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: RAemerstocq.wps

Emerson's Self Reliance
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5 pages. In Emerson's essay Self Reliance he begins with a quote from Persius which states "Do not search outside yourself." This paper considers this quote and why Emerson chose it to begin this very well known and important essay. The advice that Emerson is trying to convey to his readers will be considered as well as the true meaning of this quote. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: JGAsreli.wps

Emerson/Transcendentalism in Two Addresses
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A 10 page essay that contrasts and compares how Emerson expresses and reflects the principles of Transcendentalism in his speeches "The American Scholar" and "The Divinity School Address." Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khas&ds.wps

Emotivism vs Subjectivism
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A 5 page philosophical essay. In determining the value of methods, it is necessary to examine just what they are and the potential value of each. It is also necessary to examine their shortcomings in order to be aware of them, and perhaps even lead to the conclusion that specific methods may actually be worth only the exercise of evaluating them, rather than being of value for arriving at sound, logical conclusions or proofs. Such would seem to be the case with both emotivism and subjectivism. Both are based on premises outside of hard, logical facts, and so it is difficult to quantify any conclusion that has been determined through the use of either emotivism or subjectivism. One cited source.
Filename: Emoting.wps

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This 3 page report discusses the ancient Greek philosopher, physician, scientist and poet, Empedocles. He lived during the culmination of the splendor of the Periclean age of Athens. Some of his most significant perceptions were that: like things are known by like things; motion is explained through the forces of love and hate; and, the problem and meaning of the “being” of things. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BWempedo.wps

Empiricism vs. Nativism - Does Innate Knowledge Exist?
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A 9 page paper discussing whether knowledge is innate, as held by Plato, Descartes and Kant, or whether empiricists such as John Locke are more correct in their views of the origin of knowledge. The old arguments of the classic philosophers are more difficult to support in today's society and technological innovation, and it is language that is most widely discussed as having innate connections. Chomsky fell from favor in the 1980s, but linguistic nativism has been revived in recent years. Linguistic nativism cannot explain behavior such as a mother preparing for a first child, but varying "if-then" considerations lead to the conclusion that empiricism and nativism can coexist on a continuum, with neither being fully acceptable on its own merits. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSinnateKnow.wps

Enlightened Age? No: Age of Enlightenment Then?
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A 5 page paper which states that we are not in an enlightened age though we may be existing in an age of enlightenment where working towards some religious or spiritual truth is more open to examination and exploration than previous generations. The philosophical notions of Kant and Foucault are implemented in this examination. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: RAageenlght.wps

Epictetus' "Enchiridion" And Friedrich Nietzsche's "The Twilight Of The Idols": Assessing The Socratic Way Of Life
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7 pages in length. The writer discusses how Epictetus and Nietzsche view the Socratic way of life. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCsocnz.wps

Epicurean Ethics
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A 5 page paper discussing the Epicurean view of good and evil (i.e., pleasure and pain) and the part that knowledge plays in bringing the happiness that should be the goal of every individual. Epicurus (342-270 B.C.) maintained that the pursuit of pleasure was not that which could be procured through physical enjoyments, but rather through contemplation. Therefore knowledge can only contribute to the happy life, for increased knowledge can bring increased assurance that the Epicurean way is the true one. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSepicure.wps

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