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Papers On Philosophy
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Goethe’s Sentiment on “Living Hand to Mouth” and Jostein Gaarder’s “Sophie’s World”
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This 5 page report discusses Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) and his quote -- “He who cannot draw on three thousand years is living from hand to mouth.” “Sophie’s World,” the recent novel by Jostein Gaarder (which begins with the quotation from Goethe) demonstrates the ways in which modern humanity must be aware of its own history and the ways in which that history has shaped the contemporary world and the fact that a failure to pay attention to such history assures that the same human problems will continuously present themselves. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BWgoesop.wps

Greek Philosophers: Parmenides & Empedocles
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A 12 page paper. There were many Greek philosophers before Aristotle, Plato and Socrates. Parmenides and Empedocles are two of them. These early Greek philosophers literally changed Greek thought. Parmenides changed the way in which theories are presented, specifically, he was the first to offer arguments for his views. He also left his fellow and subsequent philosophers with a dilemma to reconcile. This essay presents an overview of the thoughts of these two philosophers, compares them and offers a conclusion regarding their accomplishments. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGpaemp.wps

Growth and Development & Spiritual Journey / One and the Same
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In 5 pages the author develops the thesis that one's growth and development and one's spiritual journey are one and the same. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Growdev.wps

Hedonism Today
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A 5 page paper discussing the prevalence of hedonism in American society today. Hedonism has been a traditional part of existence since the beginning of time. Americans throughout history, have often been far too busy surviving and getting ahead to always enjoy the benefits of hedonism. Perhaps the last great hedonistic era this country saw was the revolution of the 1960's when drugs and sex and the enjoyment of life was the goal of many young people. Today those children of the 60's are businessmen and women who pursue virtue and morals rather than sheer enjoyment for enjoyments sake. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Hedonism.wps

Hegel and Nietzsche: Personal Perceptions a Symptom of Society's Outlook
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A 6 page paper which examines the theories of Hegel and Nietzsche as they involve the belief that our personal perceptions are nothing but a reflection of society's outlook. They argue that this contradictory condition is ending in their works. The works discussed in analyzing this perception are Hegel's "Philosophy of Right" and Nietzsche's "The Gay Science" and "On the Genealogy of Morals." Bibliography lists 3 additional sources.
Filename: RAhegelnietz.wps

Hegel's Phenomonology of Spirit
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A 9 page research paper that analyzes the structure and intent of Hegel's masterpiece of philosophical thought, Phenomenology of Spirit. In this volume, Hegel makes it clear that he perceives this work not so much as an exercise in philosophy, but more an introduction for the reader into the standpoint of theological thought itself. Bibliography list three sources.
Filename: khhegaga.wps

Hegel: "…Reason as the law of the World.".
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(5 pp) Discussion concerning the statement: The sole thought which philosophy brings to the treatment of history is the simple concept of reason Reason is the law of the world and that, therefore, in world history, things have come about rationally. The author gives personal opinions concerning this phrase. BBhegelR.doc
Filename: BBhegelR.doc

Hereclitus & Parmenides
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A 6 page exposition of the philosophies of these two pre-Socratic philosophers. Hereclitus wrote one major work with which Parmenides took great exception. The writer compares and contrasts the philosophies of these two early philosophers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Parmhere.wps

Hermeneutics As It Relates To Children
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5 pages in length. The meaning and style of hermeneutics inherently includes the nature of understanding and in the broadest possible terms asks: What is understanding? What happens when I say, "I understand"? Understanding is most relevant to hermeneutics when it takes live experience -- the event of understanding -- as its starting point. Language, the involvement of another human horizon and the act of historical penetration are all interconnected in the notion of hermeneutics as an interdisciplinary crossroads for significant thought. The writer discusses hermeneutics as it relates to children. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCherm.wps

Hilary Putnam's Theory of 'Nature of Mental States'
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A 3 page paper discussing philosopher Hillary Putnam's theory of the 'Nature of Mental States.' Bibliography lists three sources.
Filename: putnam2.doc

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