Papers On Philosophy
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David Hume's Attack Upon Presocratics, Plato, Aristotle And Plotinus
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10 pages in length. The writer discusses Hume's desparaging opinion of the others philosophers' beliefs in relation to existence, oneness and matter. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCdhume.wps
David Hume's Critique Of Mankind's Knowledge Of Causal Relationships
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6 pages in length. The writer discusses how the very nature of David Hume's critique of mankind's knowledge of causal relationships revolves around the notion of whether or not one variable truly causes another. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCDvdHm.wps
David Hume/Dialogues
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A 5 page research paper that examines eighteenth century philosopher David Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. The writer gives an overall view of the work, discussing the main points of Hume's thesis and the structure of the work. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khhumed.wps
David Hume: Radical Empiricist's Principle
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6 pages in length. David Hume asserts the radical
empiricists principle: "All our ideas come from
impressions." The manner by which one could determine the implications this principle has upon the remainder of Hume's philosophy is to digest the philosopher's theories as a whole, rather than compartmentalizing them into individual sectors. Indeed, some may argue that Hume is not consistent in his application of this treatment; however,
when one looks more closely at the fundamental basis of Hume's collective thoughts, it becomes significantly easier to see that his consistency is not worthy of questioning. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCdhoom.wps
David Hume: Skepticism, Understanding, and Resolution
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This 5
page report discusses the work of Scottish philosopher and writer
David Hume (1711-1776) regarding and his skepticism related to
the processes of human understanding. Those issues and doubts
are presented, as well as how Hume resolves such doubts.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWhuinq.wps
David Hume’s Ideas Regarding Art and Good Taste
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This 11 page
report discusses Scottish philosopher and writer David Hume
(1711-1776) who stated that art is not “a form of understanding
or morality” and that art “does not fall under the concepts of
necessity or freedom.” This report looks at such statements in
the context of Hume’s skepticism and addresses how such ideas fit
in with Hume’s larger views on utilitarianism. The writer of the
report does agree with Hume’s assertion that art should be done
for it's own sake, independent of objective law and morality.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWhumtst.wps
David Hume’s “Obligation of Promises”
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This 8 page report
discusses Scottish philosopher and writer David Hume’s
(1711-1776) thinking on the “obligation of promises” as expressed
in his “Treatise of Human Nature.” Hume believed that
participation in a just society requires an individual’s
obligation to the promise to support that government. It is not
based on fear but what Hume referred to as “enlightened
self-interest.” Hume was certain that freedom and exchange in
the marketplace depend on obligation to promises. As a result,
compliance to government is also required in order to keep one’s
promises. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWhmprom.rtf
Death and the Maiden
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(5 pp) Death and the Maiden is 1995 film staring Weaver and Kinsley played to mixed reviews and is being used to discuss philosophy is this paper.
Filename: BBdeatM.doc
Decision Making: Consequential and Deontological
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A 5 page paper which discusses consequentialist and deontological approaches to decision making.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAdecide.rtf
Democracy and the Individual; A Criticism
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This 5 page paper looks at the idea of democracy and the problems that may be seen for the individual from the perspectives of namely Alexis de Tocqueville and Ayn Rand. The ideas of democratic tyranny and the right to life are considered and discussed. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEtvlrnd.wps
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