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Papers On Philosophy
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Immanuel Kant's Doctrines and Their Relation to Religion
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A 12 page paper outlining the basic doctrines of Immanuel Kant. The writer examines his beliefs about goodness and people's responsibility to be good people, and relates that to Utilitarianism and Catholicism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Kantps.wps

Locke, Berkeley, & Hume / Material Substance
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A 5 page paper discussing the varying views of Hume, Locke, and Berkeley in relationship to the concept of material substance. All three of these philosophers were theorists of knowledge but each also had a slightly different opinion in regards to the issue of material matter. Also discussed is the validity of their reasoning, which is actually quite valid in its context. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Lbhmat.wps

Conversation Concerning a Table: With Berkeley, Leibniz and Locke
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9 pages in length. Concerns an imaginary conversation between the three philosophers John Locke, George Berkeley, and Gottfreid Leibniz about a piece of furniture. This is an excellent example paper showing the differences and similarities of the philosophies of these three men. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JGAtable.wps

George Berkeley & Perception
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A 5 page paper that explores Berkeley's theory that nothing can exist outside of perception. This paper demonstrates that Berkeley's contention is based in his understanding of perception as the only means by which a person can determine the characteristics of an object. Because perception is the only means for determining an object, then perception must also be the only way to determine existence. One primary source cited.
Filename: Berkeley.wps

George Berkeley / To Be Is To Be Perceived
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A 4 page paper that address the progression of George Berkeley's arguments towards 'esse est percipi' -- to be is to be perceived. His arguments of Hylas and Philanous support the basic argument in his Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Understanding. Berkeley would contend that the only way an object can be acknowledged is through man's perception of it. The primary source is cited.
Filename: Berk2.wps

George Berkeley and David Hume - Similarities and Differences
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This 5 page report discusses the philosophies of George Berkeley (1685-1753) and David Hume (1711-1176) and compares their similarities and differences. Both held unique and views on the actual existence of any given item and the relationship of the thing to the person who perceives it.
Filename: Berkhm.wps

The Dialogues Of George Berkeley
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The Three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous was written in 1713 and follows the example of Socratic dialogue to present the basic tenets of George Berkeley's philosophical stand. This 7 page paper explores and examines the dialogue and Berkeley's beliefs based on immaterialism. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: KTberdia.wps

How Francis Bacon Influenced Thomas Hobbes
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A 7 page paper that discusses the impact that Francis Bacon had on the development of writings by Thomas Hobbes. Though Hobbes has denied, by omission, any correlation between the development of his philosophical theories and the year he spent in the employee of Francis Bacon, critics and philosophical scholars alike have compared their similarities and commented that the relationship between these two men must have been the springboard for Hobbes focal transformation from classical literature to social philosophy.
Filename: Hobbacon.wps

Soren Kierkegaard/God and Man, the Fundamental Relation
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A 6 page analysis of the philosophy of the nineteenth century existentialist philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. The writer outlines the primary principles of Kierkegaard's philosophical concepts in regards to the importance of a personal relationship with God. No additional sources cited.
Filename: 90kierke.rtf

Euthanasia: A Review of the Issues and an Argument for Making the Process a Viable Option
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A 9 page discussion of the many issues surrounding euthanasia. The author distinguishes between passive and active euthanasia and provides a review of the various philosophical arguments about the appropriateness of each. The argument is made that both forms of euthanasia should be a viable option in specific situations. Bibliography lists 10 sources. PPeutha6.rtf
Filename: PPeutha6.rtf

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