Papers On Philosophy
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This 5 page paper looks at the sociological concept of anomie, primarily through the eyes of Emile Durkheim. Several examples are given. The transitions between Gemeinschaft to Gesellschaft, as well as mechanical solidarity to organic solidarity are explained. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Anomie3.wps
Collectivist Theory/ Comte and Durkheim
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A 7 page research paper contrasting and comparing the views held by Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim. The writer posits that the two varied in terms of basis: Comte bases his theories in sociological analysis of a number of scientific fields and Durkheim on social theorists. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Cncomdrk.wps
Durkheim -- Social Solidarity
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The sociological concept is defined and discussed through the eyes of Emile Durkheim in this 3 page essay. The concept is applied to the legal system in modern times. Also discussed is the legislation of morality and the importance of rituals. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Socsolid.wps
Durkheim and the Sociology of Religion
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A 6 page paper that provides an overview of some of the major arguments in Durkheim's sociological perspectives on religion, and then argues against his theory of enacted social practice as the foundation of epistemology. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Durkhei3.doc
Durkheim's Theory of Ritual and Eliade On Mythology and Ritual
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A 6 page paper that considers the implications of Durkheim's perspectives on ritual as they relate to the arguments presented by Eliade as he outlines the impact of myth and the development of ritual in a social context. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Ritualdu.doc
Karl Marx and Historical Materialism
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This 12 page report discusses Karl Marx's theory of historical materialism and compares and contrasts it with the ideas of Emile Durkheim on the sociology of religion and Claude Levi-Strauss's perspective on the universality of the human mind. To a great degree, the idea of historical materialism encapsulates much of what Marx believed to be the fundamental determinants of modern humanity. It is compared with the equally important aspects of religion and structuralism. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: BWmarx.rtf
Marx & Durkheim: Similarities And Differences
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14 pages in length. Among varying philosophical beliefs, the role of society represents both a positive and negative force. The general consensus is that concepts such as religion often get in the way of a thriving society, because they place a great many demands on the inhabitants. These demands, say some sociologists, represent part of the very downfall many societies have experienced. Karl Marx's social beliefs were strong and straightforward, as were those of Emile Durkheim, two of the world's foremost social philosophers whose individualities only sometimes intersected. The writer discusses the similarities and differences between Marx and Durkheim. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCdurk.wps
Social Symbolism in Durkheim and Weber
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A 7 page research paper comparing and contrasting how Durkheim and Weber viewed social symbols such as speech, housing, consumption, and class identities to define how those symbols affected and would affect governments and social order. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Cndurkweb.wps
Sociology Of Durkheim's 'Suicide'
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This 5 page paper looks at the problem of suicide in the society using recent studies in addition to Durkheim's infamous work . The paper focuses primarily on decision theory and studies that show a connection between certain characteristics and a predisposition to commit the act. Bibliography lists 4 sources
Filename: Suidurk.wps
The Durkheimian Tradition Applied To Modern Problems
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A 5 page paper examining three problems of today in light of the precepts and theories of Emile Durkheim and several of the sociologists following him who also hold to Durkheimian tradition. The problems discussed are rising incidence of childhood obesity; dangerous school pranks that result in injuries; and abuse of infants that results in critical or even fatal injuries. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Durkheimi.wps
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