Papers On Philosophy
Page 38 of 171
O.K. Bouwsma/ Descartes' Evil Genius
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A 5 page analysis of O.K. Bouwsma's essay 'Descartes' Evil Genius' and on Descartes' 'Meditations.' Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: 99bodes.rtf
René Descartes Philosophy of Dualism
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A 7 page paper which examines the distinction between the mind and body which provides the foundation for René Descartes’ dualism philosophy as discussed in his treatise, 'Meditations on the First Philosophy,' and in his correspondence with Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TGdualsm.rtf
Rene Descartes/ The Evil Demon
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A 5 page analysis of Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy. Descartes' train of logic in this work caused him to speculate on the very basis for what constitutes reality. This train of thought, in turn, caused him to postulate that he might have been deceived by some 'evil genius,' who influenced his senses to provide him with inaccurate information. The writer argues that the concept of the 'evil demon' played an intrinsic role in Descartes' overall argument and discusses its implications. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: 90evldmn.rtf
Rousseau's Response To Descartes ‘Dream Demon'
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A 4 page paper that argues against Rousseau's perceptions of Descartes 'dream demon', his belief that man can not distinguish between reality and dream and must, therefore, not base the development of reason on reality. Rousseau's pragmatic belief that man has no reason to believe their are no physical objects and good reason to believe that there are physical objects consists of faulty logic. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Rousdesc.wps
Russell vs. Descartes' Dream Demon
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A 4 page paper describing Russell's reactions to Descartes 'dream demon' and his belief that Descartes' reasoning in regards to existence and doubt is faulty. This paper presents Russell's belief, in contrast, that sense-data supports the existence of the physical object, and that doubt, though it is possible, is not probable. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Descruss.wps
Democracy, The Worst Form of Government: The Views of Plato, Marx and Thucydides
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This 5 page argumentative essays uses the writings of Plato, Marx and Thucydides to support the argument that democracy is the worst form of government. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MHdemoc.wps
Creationism and Evolution
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This 8 page paper answers four distinct questions posed by a student related to evolution and creationism. Many subjects are addressed. Concepts included are logical positivism, Darwinian evolution, intentional design theory, the fossil argument and more. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA020Cre.wps
W.V.O. Quine and Philip Kitcher: Interdependence of Belief and
Creationism versus Evolution
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This 5 page report discusses the
ideas of two contemporary philosophical writers regarding the
interdependence of beliefs and how it is applicable to the debate
that rages on regarding creationism versus evolution. Belief is
repeatedly shown to be based on various constructs such as faith
and hope where there is no ostensibly “logical” proof for holding
that belief. However, the same may also be said regarding
“belief” in science. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BWkitchr.wps
Nietzsche vs. Freud On The Nature Of Good And Evil
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A 3 page analysis of the preface to Neitzsche's The Genealogy of Morals and whether or not Freud would agree with his conclusions based on Freud's writing in Civilization and Its Discontents. The writer argues that Freud would agree as he makes similar points in his own book and that both works address the mutability inherent in perspectives on morality. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Freudnie.wps
Confucius And Benevolence
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8 pages in length. The writer discusses how Confucius recognized the fact that humanity has turned into a selfish, egotistical and myopic entity.
No longer are people more concerned with others than they are with themselves. This move away from benevolence has caused considerable harm to man's reputation, as well
as to the manner in which people interact. However, there does not appear to be any signs of significant change to this gross lack of social responsibility; therefore, it is safe
to assume that mankind will continue down the road of self-centeredness. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCconfu.wps
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