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Papers On Native Indian Studies
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The Games and Myth of the Maya
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A 7 page overview of the importance of Maya game and myth. The author contends that game and myth alike provide incredible insight into social customs, history, religion, spirit concerns and numerous other aspects of the people from whom it is spawned. Includes a one page Roman Numeral outline. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPmayaGm.rtf
The Great Dying
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5 pages in length. The Great Dying is historically known as a period of time two hundred and fifty-one million years ago where the earth suffered significant and overwhelming devastation. The most intriguing aspect about this mass extinction of plant and animal life is that scientists still have no concrete evidence why such a phenomenon occurred. That the planet lost more than ninety percent of all marine plant and animal life, as well as nearly seventy percent of all land species, makes one ponder the underlying spiritual reasons for such havoc. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCgrtdy.wps
The Histiographical Debate Concerning Native American Survivability as Related to Land Ethic Verses That of Europeans During Colonial Times in the Americas
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A 15 page address of the question which has occupied historians for centuries, why were Native Americans not only able to survive but to thrive in a land where European colonists would at first flounder and many times perish? The author of this paper explores various sides of the debate to conclude that the speculations as to why this was the case vary dramatically and, although there is no singular answer, the distinction in the way that Native Americans and Europeans related with the land appears to be important. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Filename: PPnaLnd.rtf
The Historical Decimation of Native American Culture and Lifeways
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A 4 page outline of the many injustices that were dealt the Native American peoples by those that invaded their lands. Many Native American groups have actually been wiped off the face of the earth by those that sought land, resources, and wealth in the Americas. Other Native American groups have endured centuries of torment at the hands of peoples that for the most part considered them subhuman. Native Americans have been forced off their traditional lands and confined on reservations that limited not only their traditional lifeways but also their spirit and their culture. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPnaGen2.rtf
The History of Lacrosse: From the Native American Stickball Game to the Game We Know Today
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A 9 page overview of the game Lacrosse. Traces the game from its origin among the Native Americans to the present day. Details the spiritual meaning of the game to Native Americans as well as its history among the non-Natives in their relations with Natives. Outlines the evolution in gear, rules, and playing fields. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPlacros.wps
The Impact of European Diseases on the Native American
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A 10 page exploration of the impacts of European introduced disease on the indigenous inhabitants of the Americas. Examines both biological and cultural reasons for the susceptibility of the Native peoples to these diseases. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Nadiseas.wps
The Impacts of Christianity on Zitkala Sa, A Yankton Sioux
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A 3 page discussion of the life and literary contributions of this nineteenth and early twentieth century Native American woman. A noted lecturer and writer, Zitkala would take many aspects of the white world to task. Her most resented target, however, was Christianity itself. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PPnaLtZt.rtf
The Impacts of Diabetes on Native Americans
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An 8 page overview of the problem of diabetes among Native American populations. The author provides statistics delineating the extent of this problem and suggests areas of intervention for medical personnel as well as social workers. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PPnaDiab.rtf
The Impacts of History and Culture on Reading Level and Language Acquisition Among Native American Students
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A 5 page discussion of the historical and cultural factors explaining differences in reading comprehension and language acquisition between Native American students and mainstream students. Suggests that these differences revolve around differences in cultural schemata and differences in motivation. Utilized research in education to substantiate this suggestion. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PPnaRead.wps
The Indigenous Women of Latin America: Factors Impacting Human Rights
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A 19 page overview of the numerous factors affecting the basic human rights of Latin America’s indigenous women. The author asserts that the indigenous women of Latin America have been suppressed by a number of societal factors. These factors revolve around their native traditions and societal expectations, the influence on the Europeans who colonized Latin America, globalization, and the rampant development of their homelands in a manner which degrades traditional land rights and serves to further adversely affect the rights of indigenous women. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PPwmnLat.rtf
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