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Papers On Native Indian Studies
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Nuclear Colonialism And Environmental Racism
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5 pages in length. In a perfect world, all entities, every race and each person would be represented in the same fair light. However, this is not a perfect world, and people of various races and origins are not given the same fair treatment in virtually every aspect of social, economic, political and racial representation. Historically, the terms "nuclear colonialism" and "environmental racism" have functioned to condemn certain peoples and regions to a cycle of exploitation, an accusation that can be wholly supported by contemporary perpetuation of this ethnic torment. Technological progress has brought significant advancement to mankind in the way of myriad life-altering improvements, however, in order to reap these benefits untold minority populations continue to pay the price with their homelands and their lives. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCenvrc.wps
One Drop Rule And Blood Quantum Policy: Race Classification
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4 pages in length. One's heritage is an integral component to how one's entire life is approached; with tenets of the Irish, Chinese, American and every culture in between easily recognized by those outside of that particular population, one can readily surmise that heritage is the very embodiment of an individual. However, there are those whose heritage are not as cut and dried as, for example, a Scotsman or Brit, inasmuch as the family bloodline has been 'tainted' with an interracial presence. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLC1drop.rtf
Patterns of Indian-European Interaction
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A 7 page assessment of the contention “For both (European and Native Americans) survival and the enhancement of their own culture were the paramount objective” made by author Gary Nash in “Red, White, and Black: The Peoples of Early North America”. This paper illustrates the interaction between Native Americans and the French, Dutch, Spanish, and English to conclude that while there were certain differences in the manner in which each of these groups dealt with the Native Americans, the common goal was the decimation of the Native culture as a whole. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPnaCnvr.rtf
Perceptions of the American West and Frontier in Regards to Cultural Perspective and Historical Method
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This is a 7 page paper discussing perceptions of the American west and frontier. Perception of historical documentation is presented and argued regarding two aspects. Firstly, whether or not cultural perspective should be included in historical accounts such as argued by Jane Tompkins or whether or not cultural beliefs, and indeed the perspective of the Native Americans, should be ignored in regards to the documentation of history and history should just relate to the major chronological events as postulated by Frederick Jackson Turner. Secondly, contemporary historians such as Patricia Limerick and Eric Gary Anderson have changed the sequential historical paradigms used by Turneresque historians and instead used the writings of N. Scott Momaday and Leslie Silko among others to develop models of the Southwest which overlap and intersect different multicultural components found in order to provide nonsequential paradigms where time, space, frontiers, and crossings are boundless and in addition provide present and future existences which show the Euro-American “conquering” and influence on the West as only a small “blip” in regards to overall perception.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TJAwest1.rtf
Perdue/Slavery & the Cherokees
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A 5 page research paper that examines how slavery evolved as a facet of Cherokee society. Principally, the writer concentrates on the work of Theda Perdue, who argues in her text Slavery and the Evolution of Cherokee Society that the adoption of European-style slavery of Africans evolved from the Cherokee reaction to the social change engendered by European colonization. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khperche.rtf
Politics Of The Nation-State & The Indigenous People Of Australia
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An 11 page paper that considers the extent to which the book From Time Immemorial: Indigenous Peoples and State Systems by R. Perry addresses the relationship between the nation-state and the aboriginal communities of Australia, and provides specific examples to round out Perry's limited perspective. Bibliography lists 6 sources. Austin~1.wps
Filename: Austin~1.wps
Politics, Religion & Native American Identity
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A 5 page paper that explores and examines the theme of the reconciliation of the heritage of Native American politics and religion with that of the heritage of the politics and religion of European colonization in twentieth century literature. Discussed and compared are John Neihardt's 1932 publication of Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux, Scott Momaday's 1969 publication of The Way to Rainy Mountain, and Michael Dorris' and Louise Erdrich's 1991 publication of The Crown of Columbus. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: LCNative.doc
Pow Wow Paiute Style!
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A 5 page description of the North American Pow Wow. The author recounts memories from a pow wow on the Bib Pine Reservation in California. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PPnaPwWw.rtf
Powerful Women in Rudolf Anaya’s “Bless Me Ultima” and Louise Erdrich’s “Tracks”
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A 5 page discussion of the influence wielded by Erdrich’s Fleur and Anaya’s Ultima on the rest of their culture. The question is addressed as to whether these women’s power sustains the culture or contributes to its demise. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPltTrks.rtf
Pueblo Pottery
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12 pages in length. Authentic artistry is a fast-fading tradition. In today's hurried global society, the faster one can produce a piece, the sooner financial gain will be realized. When one contemplates the fundamental essence of Pueblo pottery, however, one is quick to note the tenuous association between money and clayware; rather, the very reason why Pueblo pottery is still produced in its authentic way is to perpetuate thousands of years of Native American social, economic, religious, cultural and political reflection. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: TLCPotry.rtf
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