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Papers On Native Indian Studies
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Quanah Parker
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A 4 page overview of the man and his accomplishments. This paper contends that Quanah's innate knowledge of the white man's world served primarily to the benefit of the Comanche people. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PPnaQuanah.rtf
Questions on Welsh's Fools Crow
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A 5 page paper that addresses aspect of James Welch's novel Fools Crow. In the latter half of the nineteenth century, a way of life was coming to a close for North America's Native American population. The imposition of European culture and the massive migration of whites westward rationalized the conquest of the continent. James Welch's novel Fools Crow depicts life in the Blackfeet tribe both prior to and during this period of rapid cultural change. This fictional work draws on historical fact so the narrative, in many ways represents a window into what this period of history was like for this culture. This report examines specific aspects of the novel. Topics covered include use of descriptive language, significant of dreams and spirituality, Blackfeet gender roles and reaction to the novel's ending. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khblkfet.rtf
Rabbit Boss: A View of Ritual and the Notion of the Savage
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of the book Rabbit Boss by Thomas Sanchez and compares and contrasts the anesthetic sense of ritual with the notion of the savage and savage acts experienced by the Washo and the migrating settlers. No additional sources cited.
Filename: MHRabbit.wps
Race Considerations in Gilbert Arizona: Native Americans
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An 8 page overview of race relations in Gilbert Arizona between the mainstream white population and the Native American population. The author presents the thesis that these relations are more characterized by misunderstandings and false expectations than by acceptance of Native Americans for what they truly represent in today's world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPnaGilbertAz.rtf
Racial Issues
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This 8 page paper discusses some of the racial issues, both historical and contemporary, in America. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: HVRacIss.rtf
Racism in America
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This 5 page paper compares and contrasts two books on similar subjects. John Dower's War Without Mercy and Richard Drinnon's Facing West are discussed. The subject is racism by Americans and the books are about racism against the Japanese during World War II and racism against Indians, respectively. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA115rac.wps
Reaction To Colonizing And The Attempt To Conquer And Control Native Peoples
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9 pages in length. The French ethnohistorian Nathan Wachtel has spoken of the "Vision of the Vanquished" in context of American Indians and their reaction to outsiders and the European attempt to conquer and control native peoples. The ways in which certain texts engage the question of native response to conquest and colonization mirror myriad populations that have had to endure similar subjugation. Historically, the degree of resistance, along with the challenge's effectiveness to outside authority, has not worked in the natives' favor, ultimately hastening a strong
dislike for those who choose to colonize on land that is already occupied by native peoples. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCamnat.wps
Relationship with Native Nations and Native Peoples
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A 5 page paper which examines the unique position of Native Nations and Native peoples in the United States. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAnae.rtf
Religion as a Coping Mechanism: The Cherokee Indians, Religion, and the Trail of Tears
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A 15 page discussion of the problems which confronted the Cherokee people during the turbulent years leading up to the Trail of Tears. This paper suggests that while many Cherokee had converted to Christianity, their native religion undoubtedly continued to serve an important role in Cherokee culture and the way they coped with the growing white tide of those that would eventually force them from their homelands at gun point. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PPnaCRlg.rtf
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This 8 page paper discusses the history of the Trail of Tears in regard to the Chicasaw and Choctaw Nations. History, brief overview, conclusions drawn. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MBnatammiss.rtf
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