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Papers On Music, Film, Television, Theater & Photography
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Overview and Review of the Movie “Eat Drink Man Women”
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This 4 page report discusses the 1994 movie by writer-director Ang Lee. The movie tells the story of the story of a master chef who is nearing retirement, named Chu (Sihung Lung), who lives in Taipei with his three unmarried daughters. On Sundays, the sisters and their father catch up on the most intimate, literally, aspects of their lives. Their problems and frictions are somehow resolved, or at least minimized as they share the feast that their father puts before them. No additional sources listed.
Filename: BWyinshi.rtf

Pedro Almodovar & Gender Blurring
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A 5 page analysis of 'gender blurring' in several of the works of Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodovar. Two sources drawn upon and listed in bibliography.
Filename: Almodov1.wps

Performing Arts Review / 'Phantom of the Opera'
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A 4 page paper that provides an overview of the production of "The Phantom of the Opera" performed at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood during the 1997 season. This paper provides an overview of the basic structural elements of the performance and poses a few minor suggestions for improvements in staging.
Filename: Phantom.wps

Performing Arts Review / 'Hamlet'
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A 4 page paper that provides an overview of the performance of Hamlet and considers the elements of plot development, staging, and character development as they serve to support the progression of the action as a whole.
Filename: Hamlet10.wps

Periods Of American Concert Dance
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6 pages in length. American Concert Dance has long been a much appreciated art form, in that it allows a person to express a collage of innermost feelings. It has thrived throughout the decades, entertaining the likes of presidents and rulers, peasants and the general populace. Therefore, it is curious to think that people should wonder why American Concert Dance is such an integral part of human expression. Without question, there are a great many misconceptions about dance attributed to such fallacy, first and foremost having to do with the idea that poetry is, for the most part, an insignificant extravagance for the high brows who have an abundance of time to waste. Indeed, nothing could be further from the truth, as is clearly demonstrated by the following four American Concert Dance choreographers: Isadora Duncan, Merce Cunningham, George Balanchine and Lucinda Childs. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: TLCdance.wps

Personal Aesthetics: Beauty (aka "Beauty" in the Film Noir)
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(3 pp) If we use these four diverse definitions over time, what conclusions can we make? Desirable. Mental. Mystery. An awareness of perfection. Yet each of the 5 films that we examine has a dark (film noir) element; how can that relate to beauty? Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Bbbeaumv.doc

Personalities and Problem-Solving in “Crimson Tide”
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This 5 page report discusses the characters of the two primary characters in the 1995 action-drama movie played by Gene Hackman (Captain Frank Ramsey) and Denzel Washington (First Officer Ron Hunter). In many ways, the conflicts they experienced were every bit as fascinating and powerful as any fears of attack by Russian rebels who had taken over a nuclear missile site and threatened the safety of the world. No additional sources.
Filename: BWcrimsn.wps

Perspective on Dino de Laurentiis's Dune
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This 10 page paper considers this 1984 film from a queer, performative and sexual angle. Examining the way it was filmed and the meaning of the symbolism used. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEdunequ.wps.

Peter Gabriel's "Come Talk to Me" As Poetry
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A 4 page analysis of the lyrics to "Come Talk to Me" by songwriter Peter Gabriel. The writer argues that these lyrics can be considered independently from the music and that they stand alone as a poem in their own right. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Gablyr.wps

Philosophical Thought in "The Matrix"
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A 5 page paper which discusses the philosophical thoughts of Locke and Berkeley as they relate to such modern science fiction films as "The Matrix." The main focus of the paper is on "The Matrix," though mention is made of "Blade Runner" as well, and specific thoughts regarding the material world and existence, including Locke's views concerning primary and secondary aspects. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: RAmatrbld.wps

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