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Papers On Music, Film, Television, Theater & Photography
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Philosophies in "The Matrix"
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A 5 page paper which examines philosophies in the film "the Matrix." The paper examines metaphysics and epistemology as well. The philosophies are examined as they relate to the theories of Berkley and Locke regarding the thoughts about existence, reality and material world. Bibliography lists 1 additional source.
Filename: RAmatrx.wps

Photography as a Cultural Reflection and Tool for Understanding
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An 8 page discussion of the value of still photography and film in cultural research. The author contends that cultural history, a subcategory of both anthropology and history, is indeed replete with examples of the value of these mediums in preserving culture in a visual format. It is emphasized that this value is not exclusive to the use of photography as a documentary tool by the researcher but that instead it encapsulates the use of film produced by the culture itself. Asserts that both documentary and fictional film can be of tremendous research value.
Filename: PPantPho.rtf

Piano Studio: building a successful teaching business
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A 10 page research paper that investigates all aspects of what is involved in opening a piano studio, including how to set up a good web site. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: khpiastu.wps

Pier Paolo Pasolini's "The Decameron"
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7 pages in length. Comparing and contrasting the manner by which women are treated and portrayed within the cinematic approach of Pier Paolo Pasolini's The Decameron is to first understand the original motivation of writer Giovanni Boccaccio, secondly liken this work to others – such as Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales – that reflect a similarity in gender treatment and thirdly realize to what extent Pasolini was attempting to remain true to form. Clearly, Boccaccio's treatment and portrayal of women in his fourteenth century composition of The Decameron was meant to ruffle stiff social feathers by depicting the female gender as having their own minds, thoughts and actions apart from their patriarchal counterparts. One can readily see that while Pasolini does remain mostly on course with Boccaccio's original objective, he also interjects his own brand of lighthearted comedy, as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCdecam.wps

Play Review (Actors)
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A 2 page evaluative essay that discusses acting ability (i.e., voice, eye control etc.;) in the off-Broadway play "Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." No Bib.
Filename: Actplay.wps

Plays of Comedy which Overcome Obstacles of Death and Dark Themes
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This is a 5 page paper discussing two plays which manage to overcome the obstacle of death. David Ives’ “All in the Timing” and Michael Frayn’s “Noises Off” are two plays which manage to overcome death and dark themes by skilful timing and framing of dark elements within lighter and farcical works. In both plays death is so close yet comical elements keep the characters at an unreal distance from it thereby not making it a powerful obstacle to overcome. In “All in the Timing” which contains six one act plays, Ives frames the last 36 hours of Trotsky’s death by the one act play proceeding it “The Universal Language” and the one act play which follows it “Philadelphia” which both included elements of the ridiculous while the Trotsky play itself manages to overcome its dark content by Trotsky’s fear of ice picks all the while having a mountaineer’s axe wedged in his head. “Noises Off” on the other hand is a three act play which shows the onstage production of a farcical and bad play called “Nothing On” in acts one and three while the dark and conniving backstage life of the actors and actresses are shown in act two. Surrounded by the unreal and comical acts of one and three does an adequate job of lightening the content of act two, but act two itself contains a large amount of slap stick and physical comedy which lightens the elements of death and successfully continues in its comic frame. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TJdeath1.rtf

Poems and Music
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A 5 page research paper that offers lines from four poems and then describes the features of music that might be composed to express the poetry with each section of the paper representing a different era in music history. Eras included are the Baroque, the Classical, the Romantic and the Modern. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: khpommus.rtf

Police Drama: Social Control Through Visions of an Orderly Society
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A 9 page paper which examines several police drama films, illustrating how they all address the need for social control through their own particular visions of an orderly society. The films discussed are “Seven,” “Shaft,” “Training Day,” and “The Untouchables.” Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: RAshaft.rtf

Political Content and Socio-Political Subtexts of Luchino Visconti's Film, "The Damned"
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A 5 page paper which examines the political content and socio-political subtexts of Luchino Visconti's 1969 film, "The Damned." Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TGdamned.wps

Political Messages in Film : One by one, this document breifly examines political messages in a number of popular films
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The Killing Fields, Missing, Apocalypse Now, The Deer Hunter, JFK, The Manchurian Candidate, Dr. Strangelove, Fail-Safe, Philadelphia, Mississippi Burning, Andre's Mother, Fatal Attraction, Fried Green Tomatoes, All The President's Men, The Candidate, The Last Hurrah, & The Grape Of Wrath. Customers may purchase the entire document as 25 pages, or request films individually as 2 pages. No bibliography.
Filename: Polifilm.wps

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