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Papers On Music, Film, Television, Theater & Photography
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Oliver Stone’s “Platoon”
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Oliver Stone’s “Platoon”: This 5-page essay examines this acclaimed writer/ director’s depiction of war in “Platoon” and why the film is so memorable. In addition, how Stone uses the medium to convey his political perspectives is also explored. War, (he seems to underscore) is a place wherein the first casualty is one’s innocence. Bibliography lists 2 sources. SNPlatoo.doc
Filename: SNPlatoo.doc

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This paper examines the movie "Smoke Signals," and why it is a good example of a "road movie." "Road movies" are defined as those in which a character goes on a journey and matures as a result of the journey. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTsmosig.rtf

Organizational Behavior and management According to Dalton
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This 15 page report discusses the 1989 movie “Roadhouse” starring Patrick Swayze as a character named Dalton who is a bouncer-for-hire (as well as a philosophy major and practitioner of Eastern religions) who tries to clean up the meanest bar in the While nobody should describe the movie as a cinematic great or that Swayze’s acting was inspiring, the movie actually serves as an interesting study of human dynamics and group behavior that replicates what takes place in a corporate, educational, or not-for-profit organization. Dalton serves as a model of both ethical thinking and action as well as leadership. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWdalton.wps

Organized Crime as it is Portrayed by the Film Industry
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This 6 page paper looks at gangster films from the 1930s to the present and how they affected organized crime and vice versa. Several films--all centered in New York-- are discussed in terms of content as well as artistic merit. The Godfather, Donnie Brasco and On the Waterfront are just a few of the films included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA039Org.wps

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This 5 page paper gives a brief synopsis of Orson Welles films, Citizen Kane and The Magnificent Ambersons, then compares and contrasts each films themes in relation to the 'search' by each main character. Quotes from the movie included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MBKane.rtf

Orson Welles' "The Trial": The Labyrinth
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A 5 page paper which analyzes the labyrinth in Orson Welles' "The Trial." Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: RAwelles.wps

Orson Welles: Touch of Evil (1958)
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(5 pp) Three minutes into 1958's Touch of Evil, supposedly only made for the sake of money, it was clear that Welles couldn't help himself - it was the longest tracking shot in history, setting up every element of the brilliant, melancholy film noir to follow, summing up the genre of which it was one of the last and greatest examples, and blurring the boundaries between good and evil, duty and corruption, longing and loss that this film would forever define. In this discussion the motif of "borders" is examined. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BBwellFN.doc

Orson Welles’ “Citizen Kane”
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This 5 page report discusses Orson Welles’ 1941 movie Citizen Kane in terms of its cinematography, story line, and controversy surrounding the movie. The many characteristics that have caused it to be defined as a film classic are also presented briefly along with a consideration of the ways in which the movie differed from any other of its time. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWkane.rtf

Othello (1995)/ Movie Analysis
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A 5 page movie review and analysis of director Oliver Parker's version of Othello came out in 1995, a fact that caused many critics to compare this pared-down version of Shakespeare's play to the O.J. Simpson murder trial of that same period. The writer summarizes the critical response to the film. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khoth95.rtf

Outremer (Overseas) (Film Review)
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This 5 page reaction paper to the French film Outremer focuses on the plot. Other aspects of film quality are discussed as well. The historical context, as the film takes place in 1950s Algeria, is emphasized. No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA010Out.wps

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