Papers On Music, Film, Television, Theater & Photography
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Fred Astaire & Gene Kelly
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8 pages comparing two legendary dancers : Fred Astaire & Gene Kelly. Various elements of style are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources (also good for film study).
Filename: Astakell.wps
Frederic Chopin/The Minute Waltz
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A 7 page research paper that analyzes the music of Frederic Chopin as representative of the Romantic era, focusing on his work known as the "Minute Waltz" (waltz in D-flat, opus 64, no. 1). Brief biographical background material is also discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khminwtz.rtf
French Cinema Under German Occupation
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An 8 page paper which examines French
cinema while under German occupation. (French version available under file name
RAfrcin1.rtf.) Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RAfrcin.rtf
French Cinema Under German Occupation
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An 8 page paper which examines French
cinema while under German occupation. This paper is the French version. (The English
version is file RAfrcin.rtf). Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RAfrcin1.rtf
Freud's Psychology As Applied To The Movie "What Dreams May Come"
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5 pages in length. A majority of the themes and issues found in contemporary psychology treatments have their fundamental basis in Sigmund Freud's discoveries. The writer discusses how Freud's theories apply to the movie What Dreams May Come. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCdream.wps
Friedrich Nietzsche, Gay Science and Groundhog Day
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This 7 page paper considers Nietzsche's idea of eternal repetition and compares this to the film staring Bill Murray. The paper answers specific questions posed by the student on how we may see parallels and between these two works with the use of metaphors in the film and how we can interpret them. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEnestgd.wps
From Here to Eternity
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A 6 page paper that discusses the melodramatic content of the
movie “From Here to Eternity.” This film was and is, an incredibly melodramatic film. It
deals with the tensions and realities that involved military men just prior to the bombing of
Pearl Harbor, the bombing that started our involvement in WWII. The argument presented
is that which states that the iconographic content is far more instrumental to the
melodramatic feel of the film, than is the thematic content. No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAeternity.wps
Fronteras Americanas: A Discussion
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5 pages in length. This focuses on the play by Guillermo Verdecchia. Fronteras Americanas is an entertaining but darkly humorous look at the borders of Latin-America. Borders both without and within, and the stereotypes we deal with in the immigrant experience. It is at once poignant and funny, and makes us see the part that stereotyping plays upon the lives of immigrants. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JGAfroam.wps
Gandhi/Historical Accuracy of the Film
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A 6 page research paper that analyzes the 1982 movie Gandhi as to its historical accuracy. The writer offers a brief summation of the film and its award, and then discusses where the film differed from the historical record. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: khgandhi.rtf
Gay Images On Prime Time Television: Their Impact Upon Mainstream And Gay Society, Socially And Economically
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15 pages in length. The influence of prime time media is both vast and far-reaching in its ability to educate, inform and enlighten the viewing public. When the topic of homosexuality began to creep its way into prime time television with the significant popularity of Ellen, people were not too terribly concerned with the fact that the show's star, Ellen DeGeneres, was a lesbian; what they appreciated more was that she was funny. When she used her show as a vehicle for coming out, she not only opened the door for other gays and lesbians to acknowledge their true selves, but her courage also served to fortify the viewing public with a much more grounded perception of an alternative lifestyle that has historically been looked upon with judgment and disdain. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: TLCgayPT.rtf
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