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Papers On Music, Film, Television, Theater & Photography
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Forrest Gump / An American Mythological Hero
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An 8 page paper exploring Forrest Gump the character in the popular movie of the same name as a popular American mythological hero. Various aspects of the Forrest Gump story are compared to the qualities of what we typically perceive as the qualities of a hero. Bibliography list three sources in addition to the movie.
Filename: Gump.wps

Francis Ford Coppola's Godfather Movies:
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This 5 page paper discusses theme and style issues in Coppola's three Godfather movies. Specific examples are given in terms of how Coppola portrays his characters. Bibliography lists no sources.
Filename: GSCoppol.rtf

Francis Ford Coppola: His Place in the History of Film, Influences, Style and Impact on the Film Industry
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This is a 5 page paper discussing Francis Ford Coppola: his life, influences and impact on the film industry. Francis Ford Coppola has attained a great place in the history of American film makers as one of the most innovative, dedicated and most of all independent directors of the second half of the 20th century. Inspired originally by directors such as Orson Welles and Jean-Luc Godard, Coppola and his colleagues from the late 1960s and early 1970s have managed to create a unique and committed independent film generation. The Italian operatic lighting and music throughout the film “The Godfather” and the painstakingly realistic “Apocalypse Now” have escalated Coppola higher than his original intention to “launch something independent and something American that was really related to cinema”. In the creation of his own studio, Zoetrope, Coppola has launched careers of other directors and writers with independent vision within his own and the subsequent generation. Rather than follow in the well structured footsteps of many of those who preceded him, Coppola’s vision is more that of the “concept of the auteur” where he is a creator of his work rather than one who just films the work. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TJFFCop1.rtf

Franco Zeffirelli's 1968 "Romeo & Juliet"
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3 pages in length, this analyzes the cinematography techniques used by director Franco Zeffirelli in his 1968 film version of Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet". Discussed are Zeffirelli's use of music, Italian Renaissance architecture, and costuming and the effect these elements had on the impact of the film. Also noted are the facts that Zeffirelli was the first to use a teenage actor and actress in the leading roles and the first to use nudity in a film version of "Romeo & Juliet".
Filename: LCRomeo.doc

Franco Zeffirelli's Film Version Of Hamlet
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This 6 page essay explores the interpretation of Shakespeare in the film Hamlet. A critical scene between Hamlet and his mother is analyzed for content and meaning.
Filename: KTmelham.wps

Francois Truffaut's "The 400 Blows": Purpose And Self-Reflexive Aspects
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10 pages in length. Parisian schoolboy Antoine Doinel cannot figure out why he exists in this life; neither his mother nor father care about him as parents should, his academic lessons leave him empty as though he were in school for no other reason than to be sent away from home and although he is not a bad child, he has been placed within a situation that serves to unjustly chastise him. Francois Truffaut's 1959 production of The 400 Blows seeks to illustrate the manner by which life can be a double-edged sword. Utilizing Antoine as his focal point, Truffaut carefully orchestrates the film to represent the wants and desires of those who are otherwise chained to an oppressive existence. More specifically, the director was seeking to demonstrate just how difficult adolescence is for a young man whose sights are set on bigger and better things. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCblows.wps

Frank Capra’s “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” (1939)
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A 6 page paper which provides an overview of the director, cast and plot; examines the film’s history to evaluate how it was perceived by the public and the reasons it became famous; considers the themes of “citizen politician” and the role of the press/media in a democratic society; and finally, discusses whether or not the film is a realistic portrayal of the American governmental process and what lessons can be learned from it by contemporary politicians. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TGsmith.rtf

Frank Sinatra / The Man, The Celebrity
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20 pages in length. The mystique of Frank Sinatra -- his music, his power and his celebrity -- has been addressed in countless books, magazines and documentaries. How he has captured his audience and held them in such a trance for over fifty years is beyond the scope of most entertainers. The writer spans Sinatra's life and times, paying particular attention to the highlights -- and lowlights -- of a career that once petered out only to have revived itself ten-fold. Extensive bibliography included.
Filename: Sinatra.rtf

Frank Zappa’s “Lumpy Gravy” -- An Example of the Collage Aesthetic
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This 7 page report discusses musical composer and rock musician Frank Zappa (1940-1993). Far too often, Zappa’s work has been relegated to an example of the obscure creative energy exemplified in the 1960s. And yet the reality is that Zappa’s work was far more closely aligned to the established traditions of the avant garde in Europe. This report pays particular attention to his first orchestral piece, “Lumpy Gravy” (1968) which was the first project to be released under his name and not the “Mothers” band name. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWzappa.rtf

Frankenstein Films
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A 6 page paper which compares and contrasts the 1994 version of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein by Kenneth Branagh and the 1931 film version by James Whale. Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.
Filename: RAfrank2.rtf

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