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Papers On Music, Film, Television, Theater & Photography
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Friedrich Nietzsche, Gay Science and Groundhog Day
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This 7 page paper considers Nietzsche's idea of eternal repetition and compares this to the film staring Bill Murray. The paper answers specific questions posed by the student on how we may see parallels and between these two works with the use of metaphors in the film and how we can interpret them. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEnestgd.wps

From Here to Eternity
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A 6 page paper that discusses the melodramatic content of the movie “From Here to Eternity.” This film was and is, an incredibly melodramatic film. It deals with the tensions and realities that involved military men just prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the bombing that started our involvement in WWII. The argument presented is that which states that the iconographic content is far more instrumental to the melodramatic feel of the film, than is the thematic content. No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAeternity.wps

Fronteras Americanas: A Discussion
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5 pages in length. This focusses on the play by Guillermo Verdecchia. Fronteras Americanas is an entertaining but darkly humorous look at the borders of Latin-America. Borders both without and within, and the stereotypes we deal with in the immigrant experience. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JGAfroam.wps

Gay Images On Prime Time Television: Their Impact Upon Mainstream And Gay Society, Socially And Economically
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15 pages in length. The influence of prime time media is both vast and far-reaching in its ability to educate, inform and enlighten the viewing public. When the topic of homosexuality began to creep its way into prime time television with the significant popularity of Ellen, people were not too terribly concerned with the fact that the show's star, Ellen DeGeneres, was a lesbian; what they appreciated more was that she was funny. When she used her show as a vehicle for coming out, she not only opened the door for other gays and lesbians to acknowledge their true selves, but her courage also served to fortify the viewing public with a much more grounded perception of an alternative lifestyle that has historically been looked upon with judgment and disdain. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: TLCgayPT.rtf

Gender and Communication in Television: Sex and the City
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An 11 page paper which discusses the subject of gender communication. The paper uses the cable television program, "Sex and the City," to serve as a tool for examining communication between genders. a literature review is also provided as it pertains to studies on gender communications. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: RAgender.wps

Gender in Horror Films
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A 5 page research paper that investigates film criticism as it pertain to how gender is expressed in horror movies. The writer shows how this criticism discusses the ways in which horror films mirror the gender concepts and sexual mores of the modern era. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: khhorgen.wps

Gender Roles In Schlesinger's 'An Eye for an Eye'
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A 5 page paper discussing the gender roles demonstrated in the 1995 John Schlesinger movie 'Eye for an Eye' starring Sally Field, Ed Harris, and Keifer Sutherland. No bibliography.
Filename: Eye4eye.wps

Gender, Race & Class Differences / Films and Television
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This 10 page research paper examines how gender, race and class differences has been addressed in films and television in terms of images, narratives and plots. Specifically discussed are the books Film Theory Goes to the Movies by Collins et al., Watching Race by Herman Gray and Visible Fictions by John Ellis as well as the films Thelma and Louise and She's Gotta Have It. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Theory.rtf

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
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This 7 page paper provides an overview of the relationship between Lorelei Lee and Dorothy Shaw in the film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. This paper assesses some of the characteristics of each of these characters and the nature of their relationship in the film. In correlation, this paper also provides a distinct view of the situational elements of the film as they relate to the choices and relationship of Lorelie Lee and Dorothy Shaw. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MHfilm5.wps

George Balanchine and his Influence on Ballet
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7 pages in length. Voted one of the most influential choreographers of the twentieth century, George Balanchine was indeed one of the most important men in the early history of ballet. This paper describes his biography and what his contributions were to the field of ballet. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JGAbalet.wps

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