Papers On Health Care
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Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria / A Medical Waste Landfill
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A 5 page overview of existence of and the dangers presented by antibiotic resistant bacteria. Includes specific information regarding persistent and resistant bacteria in the Tulalip medical waste landfill in Marysville, Washington. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Resisbac.wps
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This 5-page paper examines literature pertaining to health care needs of asylum-seekers and refugees in the United States. The essay, based on the literature, develops some legislative policies that would help this vulnerable population. Topics touched on include savings to taxpayers. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MTrefhea.rtf
The Clinton Administration's Health Security Act
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A 14 page essay on the health reforms of the Clinton Administration and the controversy which has surrounded them. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Healths.wps
Concept Development: Autonomy in Nursing Homes
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A 10 page paper discussing the benefits of greater patient autonomy in the nursing home setting and methods of achieving it. Almost any measure that can improve nursing home residents’ quality of life can make positive contribution to creating and sustaining autonomy. Maintaining increased autonomy as a goal can improve the experiences of all involved, including staff and patients’ families. Includes an outline. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSnursAuton.rtf
Geriatric Diabetes and Compliance
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A 12 page paper which discusses the subject of
geriatric diabetes and compliance. The paper presents a theme, that being that compliance
is a very important issue in regards to diabetes and the elderly. The paper also presents a
literature review of articles addressing different perspectives of education, geriatrics,
compliance, education, and treatment. This is followed by an analysis of the literature, and
a summary of the literature. The findings are essentially that people with diabetes, elderly
or not, are often undereducated about their condition, are often treated as a disease and
not a patient, and are not recognized for their struggles to comply. Bibliography list 10
Filename: RAgerdiab.wps
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This 5-page paper examines micro and macroeconomics and how such concepts can be applied to a hospital's case management system. The paper relied on specific examples from two hospitals to help support the topic. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTecocas.rtf
Treating And Dealing With Patient Mental Illness From A Nurse's Perspective
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15 pages in length. Seven patients suffer from various aspects of mental illness: bipolar, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's and organic brain disease (schizophrenia). Indeed, there is infinitely more to the proper treatment of these individuals than merely filling them full of prescriptive medications; rather, a deeper understanding of the underlying common denominators between and among these seven patients will afford a significantly better and more successful treatment program. Inclusive of such a program will be that of nurse-instructed teaching plans and coping skills for both patient and family members; applicable medication and therapies; as well as types of physicians. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: TLCmntil.wps
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This 9-page paper examines the relationship between advanced practice nurses and physicians in Texas. The essay discusses the attitudes of physicians toward APNs, and explores legislation passed that provides somewhat more freedom for APNs to define the scope of their duties. Also included in the paper are examples of how successful APN/MD relationships work. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTnpphtx.rtf
"Code Orange Alert" - A Look At Nursing, Workplace Violence & OSHA Regulations
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5-page paper that examines the rules and regulations mandated for the health care profession by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, with a focus on violence in the workplace. Discussed is OSHA's 1996 3148 Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for the Health Care and Social Service Workers and the fact that the suggestions it presents are optional rather than mandatory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: LCOrange.doc
"Parent behavior and child distress during urethral catherization"
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A 5 page review of an article published in the "Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses". Researchers Charmaine Kleiber and Ann Marie McCarthy investigate the interaction that occurs between parents and children when
the child is undergoing urethral catherization. The researchers decided to investigate this question knowing that the findings would be useful in allowing medical professionals to delineate the natural parental behaviors that are productive in aiding the child in coping with this sometimes
stressful procedure. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPnrsPrn.rtf
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