Papers On Health Care
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Brain Lateralisation and Repressed Memories
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This 8 page paper answers 6 questions set by the student. 1; What is brain lateralisation and by what methods has it been investigated?; 2, What is handedness and does it have anything to do with lateralisation?; 3, Discuss some of the factors that a researcher needs to take into account in designing a good experiment?; 4, Explain semantic networks and connectionist networks; 5, Are repressed memories real and 6, what are the implications of false memories. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Filename: TEbrainlat.rtf
Breast Cancer: Article Reviews
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Written as a tutorial, this 5 page paper reviews three journal articles regarding breast cancer treatment. One article addresses the effects of adjuvant therapy; one addresses uncertainty experiences of women living with breast cancer after they have had treatment; and the last one looked at the ways women cope after being diagnosed and having had treatment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGcanc.wps
British Law & Nursing Advocacy
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An 8 page research paper that examines advocacy in mental health nursing in the UK. The writer critically analyzes advocacy in relation to a specific scenario and discusses the legal and ethical ramifications as they pertain to nursing practice. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: khuknur.rtf
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This 3-page paper focuses on a fictitious situation in which the manager of a rural medical clinic must decide what services to add/cut in the face of a departmental budget cut. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTmedicana.rtf
Building Competence Through Training, Experience and Reflection
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A 6 page paper discussing the need to link experience and reflection in achieving practical competence. Formal training provides the technical knowledge needed to provide competent care in the psychiatric setting, but formal training also can be seen as only the beginning point of building competence. Experience and reflection on that experience are critical factors. Training allows the new nurse to provide technically competent care, but full competence and greatest effectiveness emerges only when the nurse is able to combine experience and reflection on that experience with basic and ongoing training. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSnursMedMenHlth.rtf
Business Plan Emergency Medical Response System
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An 11 page paper. Recent events in our country have demonstrated a clear need for emergency medical response teams that can be deployed and get to the affected location quickly. This paper provides a business plan for such an agency. The paper begins with an executive summary. The introduction discusses the need for this type of enterprise in the civilian non-profit sector. The plan includes a project description, scope of services, market assessment, operational procedures, staffing, management, fiscal information, and risk assessment. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGemrmed.rtf
Business Plan: Full-Spectrum Long-Term Care
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A 14 page business plan for Hamilton View, a long-term care facility offering all options. Hamilton View proposes to provide a full range of options for seniors, beginning with independent living, moving into assisted living and then to full nursing home services. The benefit for residents is that they can enter at any stage that applies to their conditions at the time, and never need to change residence again. The plan includes demographics and marketing information, as well as an extensive discussion of the problems with the industry that offers commitment to high quality as an antidote. Includes a discussion of risk and financials. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KSbusPlNursHome.rtf
Business Plan: Home Health Service Provider
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A 15 page paper providing business and marketing plans for a new home health service in an Ohio town. The paper discusses the changing nature of the health care industry and Medicare’s influence on it and demographic changes as the population ages to conclude that an adequate market for the new service exists in the local area. The plan includes a breakeven analysis, projected balance sheet and projected cash flow for the first 9 months of operation. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSbusPhmHlth.rtf
Buyers Health Care Action Group
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An 11 page paper. Health costs have risen dramatically over the years to the point that employers as well as consumers have become continually more disillusioned. A group of employers in Minnesota did something about it. They established a coalition called the Buyers Health Care Action Group. This paper explores how this coalition works, how they assure quality, and how they evaluate services. Bibliography lists b sources.
Filename: PGbhcag.wps
Caffeine And Behavior
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An 11 page paper that discusses the impacts of caffeine on behavior, based on physiological changes caused by the drug. This paper considers physiological changes relative to neurotransmissions that impact behavioral considerations presented in a number of supporting studies. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Caffeine.wps
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