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How Cholera & The Plague Reached Epidemic Proportions
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6 pages in length Both cholera and the plague have reached epidemic proportions at different times throughout history. The environmental factors attributed to their worldwide spread are many, as is their capacity to harm a great number of people in one fell swoop. Focusing upon these causes and attempting to avert their overwhelming affect upon the populace as a whole is of primary concern to contemporary health strategies; however, prevention of such damaging infectious disease is both monumental and difficult. The writer discusses cause and prevention as they relate to cholera and the plague. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Cholplag.wps

Social Changes Resulting From Bubonic Plague
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A 6 page paper discussing both immediate and long-lasting changes brought on by necessary shifts in custom in response to the loss of 1/3 of Europe's population during the Black Death. The Black Plague put the entire structure of society in flux as people lived in very fear for their lives and tried to deal with life in as normal manner as possible while half cities fell all around them. Perhaps the most lasting changes arose from the necessity of letting 'new blood' into established institutions such as law and medicine in order to assure their continuance. These people brought new patterns of thinking, and many of them may have never had any other opportunity to rise beyond their peasant status had the plague not made both land and position available. It was a time of the first respect for the power of labor, and it was the time of the first recorded persecution of the Jews. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Bubplag.wps

The Black Death in Europe
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In 6 pages the author discusses the Black Death in Europe.The Black Death was also known as the Black Plague. This plague was catastrophic to the population of Europe during the fourteenth century. The Black Death killed a great number of the population. It knew no cultural or socioeconomic boundary, killing peasant and aristocrat alike. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Blkdth.wps

The Black Plague
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This 5 page paper is a fictitious depiction of an artisan dying of the plague in Medieval times. Explanations of the reality of the times are clarified and documented. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Medblp.wps

The Bubonic Plague
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A 5 page overview of the Bubonic plague. Paper covers its history, modern occurrences, prevention & treatment etc.; Bibliography lists 4 sources *(See Also Blackdea.wps -- under Western Civ. category).
Filename: Bubonic.wps

The Bubonic Plague & The Organism Which Causes It / Yersinia Pestis
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A 16 page examination of the bubonic plague, its causative agent and its various forms. Includes information on vectors, treatment, and morphology. Bibliography includes fifteen sources.
Filename: Bubonorg.wps

Alzheimer's Disease
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A 5 page overview of this insidious disease. The writer discusses the changes in the brain, the symptoms, incidence of the disease, the difficulties of coping, and the feelings experienced by the patient and the loved ones. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGalz2.wps

Treating And Dealing With Patient Mental Illness From A Nurse's Perspective
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15 pages in length. Seven patients suffer from various aspects of mental illness: bipolar, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's and organic brain disease (schizophrenia). Indeed, there is infinitely more to the proper treatment of these individuals than merely filling them full of prescriptive medications; rather, a deeper understanding of the underlying common denominators between and among these seven patients will afford a significantly better and more successful treatment program. Inclusive of such a program will be that of nurse-instructed teaching plans and coping skills for both patient and family members; applicable medication and therapies; as well as types of physicians. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: TLCmntil.wps

A Chemotherapeutic Approach to AIDS Treatment
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A 6 page overview of the epidemiology of Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and approaches to its treatment. Describes the use of saquinavir mesylate as a chemotherapeutic protease inhibitors which inhibits the replication of the HIV virus. Describes the mechanism of this inhibition and relates its effectiveness on viral load. Concludes that a ritonavir/saquinavir mesylate combination is one of the most formidable weapon to date in the battle against HIV infection. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPaidsCh.wps

AIDS: The history, the treatments and the future
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This nine page paper presents a detailed overview of the AIDS virus. It’s history, the risk factors and treatments are all discussed. Bibliography lists ten (MLA style) sources.
Filename: CWAIDS.wps

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