Papers On Medicine, Medical Issues, & Pharmacy
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BRCA1 / The Genetic Precursor to Breast and Ovarian Cancer
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A 7 page overview of the gene BRCA1 and its potential links to breast and ovarian cancer. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: Brstgene.wps
Common and Alternative Therapies in the Treatment of Breast Cancer
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11 pages in length. Breast cancer has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women of all ages and the second leading cause of cancer death in women. This paper is an important discussion of the contemporary medical treatment of breast cancer. Also included is valuable information on alternative therapies including holistic therapy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: JGAbrcanwps
Ovarian Cancer
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In 1995, the rate of women being diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year in the United States was 22,000 (Anonymous 1995). This form of cancer is not easily detected in the early stages, which means that by the time it is diagnosed, serious health problems have occurred. Ovarian cancer is less prevalent than breast cancer, has a higher mortality rate and is linked with the same genetically presupposed gene. It is the fourth leading cause of cancer mortality in the United States causing 14 500 deaths in 1998 (Bonn, 1999). An annual pelvic exam and possible the new testing for the gene are the most common preventative measures. This 5 page paper explores the physiological repercussions of this deadly disease. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KTovarian.wps
Review of 'Vitamin C exhibits pro-oxidant properties'
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A 4 page paper reviewing the report of a specific research. The article investigates whether there may be some detriment to the advice of the popular press that Vitamin C as a dietary supplement in fairly large doses. Published in Nature, the article is very brief. It lacks any literature review at all, and the discussion of findings also is very brief. However, it has great clarity in describing the methods used in the study, and lends itself well to being replicated by other researchers. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSvitc.wps
Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria / A Medical Waste Landfill
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A 5 page overview of existence of and the dangers presented by antibiotic resistant bacteria. Includes specific information regarding persistent and resistant bacteria in the Tulalip medical waste landfill in Marysville, Washington. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Resisbac.wps
HIV Disclosure: Medical Ethics
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A 5 page paper discussing medical ethics in terms of Kant, Aristotle and Mill. The paper examines the responsibility of an HIV-infected surgeon to inform his patients of his condition, and also the responsibility of the HIV-infected patient to disclose
medical status. It concludes that while the doctor is under no obligation to discontinue his practice of medicine, he is still responsible for making full disclosure to the patient. Conversely, the HIV-infected patient carries no such obligation, for it is the surgeon's responsibility to
discover all facets of his patients' health. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSethHIV.wps
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A 6 page paper presenting the past uses of thalidomide and the associated birth defects as contrasted to the present research which appears to indicate thalidomide may be useful in the treatment of two forms of blindness, in the prevention of transplant organ rejection, and in other applications. Bibliography lists four sources.
Filename: Thalidom.wps
The Issue of Liver Transplants for Patients with Alcholism - Conservative, Liberal, and Utilitarian Views
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This 10 page report discusses whether or not recovering alcoholics should be denied access to liver transplants due to their previous lifestyles. The number of people with liver disease and other related conditions who could significantly benefit from a liver transplant is far greater than the number of donor livers available. This means that criteria, other than medical, need to be developed to allocate donor livers to potential recipients. The writer examines the issue from the viewpoint of a political conservative, a political liberal, and within the framework of Jeremy Bentham's doctrine of utilitarianism. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: BWliver.rtf
Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, and Theology
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A 5 page discussion of assisted suicide and euthanasia from a theological perspective. Outlines the religious prohibitions which are involved as well as the current legal status. Concludes that the acceptability of euthanasia lies with religion and theology, not law. Bibliography lists 10 sources
Filename: PPeuthRl.wps
Orthopedic Sports Medicine
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A 16 page paper discussing the state of evolution of orthopedic sports medicine. It often carries the remnant of the skepticism of years past, when those involved just seemed not to fit anywhere. The physicians involved in orthopedic sports medicine often were looked on as M.D.s that simply couldn't compete in the world of 'real' medicine, and the lay people involved as trainers and support personnel to the performing athletes were regarded as would-be athletes with the same disabilities. But times are changing. Orthopedic sports medical practitioners are being viewed as competent as any other M.D. in any other specialty, and sound research is contributing to the overall well of knowledge regarding injury, treatment options and patient outcomes. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Sportmed.wps
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