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Papers On Literature
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Alexander The Great: Main Achievements
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6 pages in length. Alexander the Great has been heralded all throughout history as one of Greece's most memorable and illustrious personalities; while he was instrumental in providing leadership for the Greeks, he was also a notorious murderer who utilized his authority to put many people to death. This aspect of Alexander's persona is not readily acknowledged by typical historical accounts; however, this was a side of him that was more than apparent. Indeed, Alexander was instrumental in doing much good for the Greeks while he was alive -- having taken the throne of Macedonia at age nineteen and leading his people to triumph -- yet it seems that lately his negative contributions appear to overshadow what good he brought to the people of Greece. The writer discusses Alexander's primary achievements, focusing upon his influence on Greek law. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCAlexG.wps
Alexis de Toqueville: Democracy In America
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A 7 page paper. Toqueville said: "Two tendencies in fact result from equality; the one first leads men directly to independence and could suddenly push them tight over into anarchy; the other by a roundabout and secret but also more certain road, leads them to servitude." This paper explores the credence of this statement. Is it contradictory? Is there a foundation for such as conclusion? No bibliography.
Filename: PGtoque.wps
Alfredo Vea, Jr : The Silver Cloud Café (1996).
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(3 pp) ' Zeferino drove down Folsom Street
wondering why he had never noticed Raphael's Silver
Cloud Cafe and Bar. He had driven down Folsom
Street, down Seventeenth, and even down Shotwell on
hundreds of occasions, investigating scores of
cases. He conjured up a mental picture of the
area as he waited at a stoplight--the Rite Spot
restaurant was there, a transmission repair shop,
and an empty field surrounded by Cyclone fencing.
How could he miss seeing something that Teodoro had
insisted would be irresistible?' And so begins
Vea's Silver Cloud Café, a place that once you stop
and visit, you too will find to be irresistible
Filename: BBveaSCC.rtf
Alice Adams' Critical Reception
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An 8 page paper looking at the critical response to the fiction of Alice Adams. Citing the varying reactions of many critics to Adams' work, the paper suggests that Adams' depiction of the class to which most reviewers belong cut a little too close to the bone, which may account for her mixed reviews. Particular mention is made of Adams' story 'Truth or Consequences.' Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: KBaadams.wps
Alice Munro's Characters in "Open Secrets"
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A 6 page paper which discusses two of
the short stories in Alice Munro's "Open Secrets" and examines their similarities. The
stories examined are "Open Secrets" and "Vandals." The characters are examined in terms
of development and growth, an examination which serves to illustrate the general
condition of Munro's characters. Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.
Filename: RAopen.rtf
Alice Munro's Meneseteung
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This 3 page paper provides insights into Munro's story that appears in the Friend of My Youth anthology. The paper focuses on how artistic expression is exemplified. The Almeda Roth character is highlighted. No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA023Men.wps
Alice Munro/An Ounce of Cure
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A 5 page essay that discusses and analyzes Alice Munro's short story "An Ounce of Cure." In this story, a young woman recalls the most embarrassing event of her adolescence, an incident which dramatizes the truth that choices have a lasting effect, as they inevitably lead to consequences that affect the course of growth and maturity. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khoucure.rtf
Alice Munro/Lives of Girls and Women
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A 6 page research paper that examines Alice Munro's book Lives of Girls and Women. This discussion not only examines this book, but also offers perspective as to how it represents Munro's overall style, where it fits into her overall career, and how it relates, generally, within the context of Canadian literature. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khmunro.wps
Alice Munro: Biography
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A 5 page paper which presents a biography of Alice Munro.
Bibliography list 3 sources.
Filename: RAmunro2.rtf
Alice Walker and the Violent African-American Patriarchal Theme of "The
Color Purple"
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A 5 page paper which examines the life of Alice Walker, and how it influenced the theme of violence within the African-American patriarchal society in her most famous novel, "The Color Purple." Specifically considered are how the female members of the
African-American community must form a collective sisterhood, if there
is any hope of changing this violence in the future. Bibliography lists
5 sources.
Filename: TGawcolr.wps
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