Papers On Literature
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Materialism in Greene and Lawrence
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A three page analysis of Graham Greene’s “The Destructors” and D.H. Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner”, in light of their interpretations of materialism. The paper shows that in each story the boy protagonist is a victim of materialism, although one reacts to the lifestyles of the rich with hostility, and the other is psychologically traumatized by his mother’s greed. No additional sources.
Filename: KBrockin.wps
Gwendolyn Brooks and Black American Youth
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A 3 page paper examining the challenges of growing up black in America, as reflected in the poetry of Gwendolyn Brooks. Three of her poems are discussed: “We Real Cool,” “The Ballad of Chocolate Mabbie,” and “Children of the Poor.” No additional sources.
Filename: KBbrooks.wps
Kaye Gibbons -- “Charms for the Easy Life”
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This 5 page report discusses “Charms for the Easy Life,” Kaye Gibbons 1993 novel about three generations of Carolina women in the years during the
Great Depression and World War II. Each of the three women presented in the story have the strengths and attitudes other women hope are someday credited to them while also understanding that their failings and personal trials are only what must be endured (and celebrated) on the path to a rich and meaningful life. The book is also an example of how personal strength and
the realization of social responsibilities allow an opportunity
for love, courage, and strong family. No secondary sources.
Filename: BWcharms.wps
Women in Classical Literature
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A five page look at the role women have played in Western literature from the Old Testament through the Greeks and Romans through the Middle Ages and early Renaissance to the Romantic era. Works discussed include the Bible: Homer's Iliad and Odyssey; Aeschylus' Agamemnon; Euripides' Medea; Virgil's Aeneid; Dante's Inferno; the works of Petrarch; Cervantes' Don Quixote; and Goethe's Faust. Bibliography lists two sources.
Filename: KBwomen3.wps
The Faustian Bargain in Classical Literature
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A five page paper looking at the way a number of classical sources treat the 'Faustian Bargain' -- the exchange of short-term gratification for long-term misery. Sources discussed are the Bible, Machiavelli's 'The Prince,' Homer's 'Iliad' and 'Odyssey,'; Aeschylus' 'Agamemnon,' Sophocles' 'Oedipus Rex,' Virgil's 'Aeneid,' Dante's 'Divine Comedy,' Cervantes' 'Don Quixote,' and Goethe's 'Faust.' No additional sources.
Filename: KBfaust2.wps
Goethe's 'Faust' / The Devil's Funnybone -- A Comic Episode
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A 5 page paper examining one episode of comic relief in Goethe's Faust. It concerns the Devil's advice to a first-year student trying to decide on a field of study, and contains considerable irony and satire. The paper concludes that the Devil's cynicism actually serves to throw Faust's sincerity into higher relief. Bibliography lists three sources.
Filename: Devilfun.wps
Goethe’s Faust – A Soul Torn Between Gretchen and Mephistopheles
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This 5 page report discusses Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s masterpiece “Faust” and whether or not Faust will give his soul over to God, to Gretchen or to Mephistopheles. Throughout the story, it could be resolved in a number of ways. However, what Faust never seems to realize is his fundamental helplessness in the face of powers much greater than his own.
No bibliography.
Filename: BWfaust.rtf
Magic In Shakespeare & Goethe
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A 5 page paper that details the passage of magic, dreams, and incantations in a Midsummer Nights Dream and Goethe's Faust. The writer also examines how both works display these qualities and goes into significant plot analysis as well.
Filename: Midg.wps
Messages for Today in Goethe’s “Faust”
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A 5 page paper examining the issues Goethe raises in Faust and determining the extent to which they are relevant to our own time. The paper concludes that Faust is redeemed through not only an acknowledgment of his mistakes but an understanding of them; he is also redeemed through an increased knowledge of the importance of giving of oneself. No additional sources.
Filename: KBfaust.wps
The Role of Otto in Goethe's 'Elective Affinities'
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A five-page paper looking at this seldom-studied novel by Johann von Goethe, in terms of the symbolism of the doomed child Otto. The paper concludes that despite the fact that Otto's parents were married at the time of his conception, they were both in love with someone else, and he is thus the product of a 'two-fold adultery.' No additional sources.
Filename: KBgoethe
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