Papers On Literature
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Chaucer's 'Book of the Duchesse'
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A 7 page paper that discusses the chess game (Lines 618-678) and chess symbolism in this poem. This paper focus on the themes of fate, courtly love and steadfastness that are developed through the poem utilizing chess symbolism, and demonstrates that the knights comments regarding the chess game are developed as statements about courtly love and fate. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Duchesse.wps
Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' # 2
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A 6 page discussion of setting, theme, and characterization in several of the tales. No Bibliography.
Filename: Canter.wps
Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' / Character Of The Prioresse
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A 5 page essay which analyzes the description of the Prioresse given by Geoffrey Chaucer in the General Prologue to his historic work The Canterbury Tales. The writer argues that the Prioresse is hypocritical about her love of earthly pleasures while the Wife of Bath is open and honest.
Filename: Prioress.wps
Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' / Evil In The Tales
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A 12 page paper examining the importance of the ability to recognize evil in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, specifically The Prioress' Tale and The Pardoner's Tale. The paper argues first that anti-Semitism is a significant issue in the Prioress' Tale, and that her anti-Semitism is just as dangerous as the amoral avarice of the Pardoner because of the fact that she is not perceived as evil at all. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Cantevil.wps
Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' / Irony in The Nun's Priest's and Pardoner's Tales
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An 8 page paper looking at these two vignettes from the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer in terms of their use of irony. The paper shows that the irony developed in the Nun's Priest's Tale is light and fun because of its subject matter and treatment, while in the Pardoner's Tale the irony is darkened by the odious character of the storyteller himself. Bibliography lists eleven sources. Kbchau~1.wps
Filename: Kbchau~1.wps
Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' / Order & Disorder In The General Prologue
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A 5 page paper showing how Chaucer illustrates the themes of spiritual order and disorder in the first section of the Canterbury Tales. The paper concludes that this tension between human disorder and spiritual order resolves itself in the recognition that God's plan is worked out in each human being. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Orderd.wps
Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' / Overview
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A 5 page overview of the various tales with descriptive analysis of Chaucer's characterization and his depiction of society. Writer uses various critical sources to support ideas; Bibliography lists two collective entries.
Filename: Canterbu.wps
Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' / Role Of Women In The Knight's Tale
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An 8 page paper analyzing the puzzling issue of women's active role in Chaucer's 'The Knight's Tale'. The paper points out that while on the surface it would seem women have no active role in the story at all, their importance lies in their symbolic meaning to the male characters. Bibliography lists five sources.
Filename: Knightwo.wps
Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' / The Merchant's Tale
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9 pages in length. A complete review of the Merchant's Tale (from the Canterbury Tales) -- covering an overview of the story, the character of the merchant himself, wording, Chaucer's use of sarcasm, and the Tale's religious implications as well. No Bibliography.
Filename: Merchtal.wps
Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' / The Physician's Tale vs. The Clerk's Tale
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A 10 page research paper that examines two of the narratives in Chaucer's masterpiece The Canterbury Tales. While both tales appear on the surface to deal with religious issues, it is also possible to see alternative meanings within both stories. Some critics have speculated that Chaucer couched subtle criticism of both the church and political authorities of his day within a context that appearedóon the surfaceóto be dogmatically correct according to the accepted beliefs of the time. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Phyclerk.wps
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