Papers On South America
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The Impact of Nationalism: From Napoleon to the Nationalistic Move Latin America
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A 7 page overview of nationalism around the world. This paper notes that nationalism, the strong belief in country and culture, is a characteristic of most contemporary countries. Nationalism has played a particularly strong role in the history of the world during the last three centuries, from the American and French Revolutions right up to the nationalistic movements of the 1960s through the 1980s. Emphasizing the history of Brazil, Germany, and Mexico, this paper asserts that there is a similarity in the factors which inspired the rise of nationalism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPntnlSp.rtf
The Maya, The Inca And The Aztec
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The ancient civilizations of Meso
America are of utmost interest to modern students of archeology, history
and, or, the behavioral sciences. This 6 page essay explores the
similarities and differences between these cultures in art, religion,
agriculture and organization.
Filename: KTmexind.wps
The Panama Canal and Panamanian Control
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A 6 page paper which discusses the
history of the Panama Canal, and how it has gone back to Panamanian control.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: RApanama.wps
The Pre-Columbian Civilizations of the Maya and the Inca
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This is a 5 page paper about the Maya and Inca civilizations and some of their similarities and differences. The Maya and Inca were both prominent civilizations which existed in the pre-Columbian period in Meso and South America. Both civilizations had elaborately designed cities and agricultural systems. The Inca in addition had also built a large road system and terracing system to maintain their population while the Maya are also known for their well developed writing system. Both civilizations also developed highly accurate calendars to aid in their yearly rituals and lives. The Inca worshiped the Sun god over all and their kings were said to be descended from this god while the Maya religion was based more on universal acceptances and had many gods. Politically, the Inca had a much more diverse political system which was dependent upon trade and the acceptance of many independently run cities which all served under the “Inca”. The Maya although based over a large area were a much more synchronized group and trade was based on agriculture and operated largely within the large urban centers.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TJMayaI1.rtf
The Problem of Overweigh and Obesity in Developing Countries;The Case of Brazil
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This 11 page paper examines the problem of the increase in overweight and obese people in developing countries, which may also be linked to stunted growth and former malnutrition. The paper first looks at the level of the problem with how and why it occurs, focusing on Brazil, but applicable to other developing countries. The paper then looks at the type of measures that are needed and those that have been adopted in Brazil, assessing the holistic approach which has been taken by the government. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: TEobesbrazil.rtf
The Prosecutions of General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte: The Key to Chile's Future
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A 6 page overview of the history leading up to the 1996 arrest and attempt to prosecute Pinochet, Chile's ex president. Discusses the progress that Chile has made since the departure of Pinochet and the fact that most Chilean's appear to resent the ongoing investigations into Pinochet's actions preferring to concentrate on Chile's future, not her past. Emphasizes that the past must be resolved before the future can be ensured. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPpinoch.wps
The Reasons for Violence in Chile and Uruguay
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This 6 page paper looks at the military coup in 1973 in Chile and the way in which General Pinochet and his government followed a policy of violence and compares it with the Uruguayan guerrilla's in the early 1970's. The similarities and difference are discussed. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEchilvi.wps
The Role of the Economy in Chile and Cuba
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This 10 page paper considers the role of the economies in these two very different countries. The writer looks at the way in which the individual citizen may be seen as the servant of the economy, and the way in which the economy may be the servant of the people. This is then considered in terms of these countries with some surprising results. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEcubach.wps
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This 10 page paper examines the life and times of Dominican Republic dictator, Rafael Trujillo. Examples of his atrocities listed, as well as the US intervention. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MBtjillo.rtf
The Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs
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5 pages. This paper gives interesting perspectives of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs. This paper lists three arguments on each side discussing both the negative and positive aspects that the Spanish conquest created. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JAaztecs.rtf
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