Papers On South America
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South-American Native Tribes
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A 10 page research paper discussing the history, culture, anthropology, and social evolution of three groups of Native Indians : The Yanomamo (regarded as one of the most violent societies on Earth !), the Zapotecs (known for architecture & urban development), and the Yucatecs (relevant to Mayans) Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Zapotec.rtf
Allende, Feitlowitz, and Costa-Gavras -- Visions of Fear, Loss,
and Mysticism in South America
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This 6 page report discusses the
vision created of the nations of South America by best-selling
novelist Isabel Allende in Of Love and Shadows, investigative
writer Marguerite Feitlowitz in Lexicon of Terror, and movie
director/writer Costa-Gavras in the 1982 movie Missing
establishes the vision of a world of frightening, yet often
lyrical, contrasts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWallmis.wps
Amalia and Facundo: Romanticism and Realism
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An 8-oage paper comparing and contrasting Facundo by D.F. Sarmiento and Amalia by Jose Marmol. Describes the books' romanticism and realism. Lists 2 sources.
Filename: kharg.wps
American Imperialism In South America, Post 1945
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A 3 page paper that discusses the impacts and reasons behind US imperialism in South America after the end of World War II. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Amersa.wps
Applying King's Nonviolence Theories to Peruvian Racial Bias
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A 5 page
paper discussing ways in which the principles of nonviolent demonstration can call attention to
and require negotiation of racial injustices that have been long institutionalized. Modern Peru
holds the remains of colonial racial stratification as did the US in 1963 when Martin Luther King
wrote "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" defending the use of the "direct action" aspect of
nonviolent demonstration, the action of last resort to force negotiation leading to real and lasting
change. Many of the stratifications that now exist in Peru are similar to those existing in the early
1960s. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KS-MLKPeru.wps
Argentina's Democracy
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A 10 page paper that considers the elements that have led to Argentina's pursuit of democracy and focuses on recent political situtions in that country. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Argentina.doc
Argentina: An Economic Nightmare
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A 12 page review of the historical and contemporary reasons behind the current state of economic strife being experienced in Argentina. This paper emphasizes that while Latin America’s “free market avatar” may have been hoped to have been a shining model of a republic but the free market simply has not worked. While the wealthy have benefited, the commoner has only fallen deeper and deeper into the economic rut which now characterizes the entire country. The author reviews factors ranging from the inverse relationship in export and import, the adverse role of the International Monetary Fund, and the internal politics of Argentina which have led to this state. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPargent.rtf
Banking Systems of Argentina and the United States
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A 7 page paper comparing the central banking systems of Argentina and the US. It appears that the primary difference in the central banks of Argentina and the US (aside from direct government involvement) is the ability of each to control the money supply as well as interest rates as instruments used in fine-tuning the orchestration of the market as described by Adam Smith. Smith’s “invisible hand” can become too heavy for the market to bear without any central bank intervention, but the central banks of both Argentina and the United States both have demonstrated in too-recent memory that ill-advised action can be as detrimental as no action at all. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSargBank.rtf
Beunos Aires
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This 7 page paper provides an overview of Argentina's capital city. Many things are discussed including climate, transportation and nightlife. The composition of the people in respect to religion, language and ethnicity is also included. Bibliography lists 6 sources
Filename: SA110BA.wps
Bolivia: Slow But Steady Progress
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This 6 page paper tracks the progress of health, education, socio-economic and politic conditions between the census years of 1976 and 1994. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BBboliv.doc.
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