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Papers On Latin-America / Mixed
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United States Intervention in Panama
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An 8 page paper that discusses the United States invasion of Panama in 1989. The writer discusses the background as well as the reasons given by the United States government for the invasion. The writer then demonstrates that the reasons given by the U.S. government for the invasion were invalid and can be proven as such. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PGuspan.wps
Venezuela A Place To Expand Businesses?
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A 7 page paper. The paper is a "country brief" for vice-president of a hypothetical company that sells security systems. The VP is on the way over to close a deal and wants information regarding the country. This essay offers that brief and emphasizes the political upheavals of the last decade and the current political atmosphere in Venezuela. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGvnzul.rtf
Water Conservation in Latin America
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This 7 page paper provides an overview of the water problem in Latin America and efforts that heave been employed to clean up the water conditions. Sources of money are discussed as well as why water conservation is important in a general sense. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA112H20.wps
What Should Japan do Now?
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A 10 page paper discussing the impasse at which Peru and Japan have arrived concerning extradition of Peru’s former president Fujimori, who Peru has charged with gross corruption and crimes against humanity. Fujimori was born in Peru of parents who had immigrated from Japan. They registered his birth, resulting in dual citizenship. Japan refuses to extradite based on Fujimori’s citizenship status plus the fact that it has no extradition treaty with Peru. The paper reviews the significance of the issue, the various arguments from both sides and provides a list of possible alternatives, including deferring to an international mediator for resolution. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KSperuJapanFuji.rtf
Women in Chile
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This 5 page paper looks at the position of women in the workplace in Chile. The paper considers how and why it is changing and the way that the change is taking place. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEchilwo.wps
Women in Latin American Politics
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This 10 page paper discusses the way in which gender impacts politics; women in Latin politics in the recent past, and the situation today. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: HVLAmWmn.rtf
Writing and Education in Latin America
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A 7 page paper which examines the role of writing and education in the rising conscience of an independent Latin America as seen through the work of Felipe Guaman Poma and Simon Bolivar. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: RAltpoma.rtf
“Drug Trade and Capitalism in Colombia”
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A five page paper which looks at the way in which the drug trade in Colombia is based on a capitalist ideology, the connection which the major drug cartels have with the political administration of the country, and the effect which the USA’s war on drugs in the region is having on the indigenous population.
Bibliography lists 5 sources
Filename: JLcolombia.wps
“Russian Involvement in Latin America in the Nineteenth Century”
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A ten page paper which looks at the way in which Czarist Russia established trading colonies in Latin America, the extent to which she attempted further colonisation of the region, and the way in which the Monroe Doctrine was formulated to prevent further Russian involvement in South and Central America.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: JLRusslam.wps
“The Dominican community in the USA”
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A paper which looks at the Dominican community in New York, in terms of the historical connections between the Dominican Republic and the USA, the way in which the Dominican community is perceived by members of the cultural majority, and the links which have been developed between Dominicans and other Caribbean-Americans.
Filename: JLdom.wps
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