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Papers On Latin-American & Carribean Studies
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An Argument for Lifting the Embargo Against Cuba
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This 30 page thesis paper provides an overview of the problem related to the U.S. embargo against Cuba. Historic information is provided along with the political background that surrounds this issue. Both sides of the issue are confronted but the paper supports lifting the ban due to philosophical reasons. Other reasons are explored, including the fact that the Cuban people have had to do without adequate food and medical supplies as a result. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: SA039Cba.rtf
An Evaluation of Children's Hispanic and Latino Literature
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This 14 page paper examines this genre in children's books. An annotated bibliography is included along with a paper that examines the quality of the literature and how it addresses the nuances of the particular culture. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: SA528lit.rtf
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This paper provides comprehensive research information (current as of 2001) about the Latin American region, focusing on that area's countries, politics, economy, population and position in the global trade arena. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTlatame.rtf
An Overview of the Honduras
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A 3 page description of the history, geography, political structure, population and culture of the Honduras. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPhondur.rtf
Ano que viene estamos en Cuba, by Gustav Firmat Includes rough Spanish translation
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A paper which looks at Firmat’s account of his life in America as a Cuban, and the way in which he sees both his old homeland and the new; he gives a detailed account of the concepts of national identity and culture, and the way in which these are reflected in his dual nationality and cultural heritage.
Filename: JL2cuba.wps
Applying King's Nonviolence Theories to Peruvian Racial Bias
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A 5 page
paper discussing ways in which the principles of nonviolent demonstration can call attention to
and require negotiation of racial injustices that have been long institutionalized. Modern Peru
holds the remains of colonial racial stratification as did the US in 1963 when Martin Luther King
wrote "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" defending the use of the "direct action" aspect of
nonviolent demonstration, the action of last resort to force negotiation leading to real and lasting
change. Many of the stratifications that now exist in Peru are similar to those existing in the early
1960s. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KS-MLKPeru.wps
Arabic Influence on the Spanish Language
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5 pages. This paper will explain the history of the Spanish language and the major influence that the Arabic language has had on it as well. Also included are examples of Spanish words that are derived from Arabic sources. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JGAarbsp.rtf
Argentina and the Foreign Policy Equation
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This 7 page paper examines U.S. foreign policy along with policy to come from Argentina itself. The turmoil in Latin America is carefully examined. Where Argentina is today is discussed. A political history of Argentina is also relayed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA514Arg.rtf
Argentina's Democracy
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A 10 page paper that considers the elements that have led to Argentina's pursuit of democracy and focuses on recent political situtions in that country. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Argentina.doc
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This 5-page paper discusses Argentina as an emerging market on the global scene. The main thrust of this is that Argentina's economic health, though improving, is still not enough for this country to be a global player. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTargmar.rtf
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