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Papers On Nutrition & Exercise
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Childhood and Adolescent Obesity: A Growing National Concern
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A 12 page paper
which examines the conditions of childhood and adolescent obesity in our country today.
Present situations are discussed, as well as future plans and programs that have been
implemented to cease this growing problem. Various alternatives are provided for
addressing this problem. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: RAobesity.wps
Childhood Obesity
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A 6 page paper discussing the growing problem of obesity in childhood. Television, electronic games, uncertain dangers in urban settings, parents’ busy schedules and a plethora of other influences all combine to contribute to creating increasing obesity in children. Children are more sedentary than at any other time, and marketers believe there is great value in marketing directly to those efficient influencers of parents. The cost of marketing directly to children now tops $12 billion annually, and increasing numbers of health professionals believe that today’s children face a lifetime of learning to deal with and overcome the physical and psychological influences of childhood. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSnursChildObes.rtf
Children And Nutrition
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A 9 page paper that discusses the relationship between nutrition and children's school achievement. The essay responds to four basic issues: Data regarding the incidence of poverty with an emphasis on poverty among children in urban areas; the role of nutrition in a child's learning abilities; the effects of the school breakfast program on behavior and learning; and the effects of nutrition on cognitive ability and attention span. Each issue is discussed, reporting research on these topics. The relationship between brain development and nutrition in young children is discussed. Studies that demonstrate the effects of eating a nutritious breakfast on test scores are reported. Paper ends with a summary. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: PGnutrkd.rtf
Children’s Fitness Programs in the U.S.
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This 6 page report discusses fitness programs
for children in the U.S. -- why they began, why they are needed, and what needs to be
improved. Title IX is briefly discussed as are the core curriculum standards regarding
physical education for students in New Jersey. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWpek12.rtf
Cholesterol Intake / Media vs. Reality
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Approximately 4 pages in length. Essay explores the disparities between different mediums and how they assess/discuss the problems of cholesterol and fat intake. Good reference for those studying health/nutrition topics- but also those learning about certain aspects of the media. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Choleste.wps
Client Centered Nursing Home Care
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Client Centered Nursing Home Care. (12 pp). On any
given day, nursing homes are caring for about one
in twenty Americans over the age of 65. Almost half
of all Americans turning 65 this year will be
admitted into a nursing home at least once. One
fifth of those people admitted into nursing homes
stay at least one year-one tenth stay three years
or more. It is projected that in 2020, 40 percent
of Americans will die in nursing homes. This
paper examines what is necessary for
client-centered care programs in nursing homes.
Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: BBnhomCR.doc
Coffee Consumption and the Reduction of Risk for Symptomatic Gallstone Disease: Correlation and Causality
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A 5 page review of an article published in the June 9, 1999 edition of the Journal of American Medical Association. This article reports on research which demonstrates a correlation between the consumption of coffee and the reduction of risk for symptomatic gallstone disease in men. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPgallston.rtf
Community Intervention Nutrition Programs
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This 7 page report examines programs in place for food assistance, how the programs work and what more needs to be done to assist children from low-income areas. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Nutprog.wps
Community Needs Assessment for Outreach Education in Health Services: A Proposal
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A 3 page proposal for conducting a needs assessment of community outreach education efforts targeting health care issues. Designs a study incorporating qualitative input from independent focus groups and representatives from various governmental and private agencies regarding the effectiveness of existing outreach programs and specific community needs. Anticipates that coupling this qualitative input with quantitative information retrieved from the U.S. Census Bureau will aid the design of stand-alone, financially independent, outreach education programs within a three year time frame.
Filename: PPneedAs.rtf
Comparison of High Protein and High Carbohydrate Diets
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This 10 page paper looks at these two very different diet types and notes the battles between the diet doctor gurus. Their theories are assessed and compared. The paper focuses on Dr. Atkins's New Diet Revolution and Dr. Ornish's Eat More, Weigh Less. Other diets are mentioned. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA050die.rtf
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