Papers On Nutrition & Exercise
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Effects of Exercise during Pregnancy
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This 6 page paper discusses the effects of exercise for pregnant women, and finds that exercise, under a doctor's supervision, is recommended for all women, unless they have a medical condition that contraindicates it. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: HVExPreg.rtf
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A 3 page paper discussing the role of electrolytes, which are minerals in body fluids including blood that carry an electric charge and contribute to the transmission of messages and impulses from the brain to other parts of the body. Electrolytes both affect and are affected by the volume of water in the body; two leading ones are sodium and potassium although there are several others. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSelectrolytes.rtf
Endorphins, Exercise & Pain
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A 7 page study proposal on the relationship of endorphin release to the perception of pain. The writer theorizes that vigorous exercise helps lessen non-exercise related pain, and outlines a detailed research proposal for proving this. Bibliography lists five sources.
Filename: Endorph.wps
Ephedrine: Dietary Supplement or Dangerous Drug
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A 5 page overview of the uses and effects of ephedrine, a drug also known as ma huang, ephedra, epitonin, and Ephedra sinica among the general public. Notes the use of the drug in legitimate medical applications but emphasizes that its use as a nutritional supplement can be dangerous. Outlines the Food and Drug Administration's limitations in regulating the drug and concludes that the real responsibility lies with the consumer. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPephedr.wps
Ethical Issues with Regard to Marketing Prepackaged Foods to Schools
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This 17 page paper discusses the epidemic of obesity in this country, and particularly the ethics of those businesses that place vending machines in schools. The paper argues that the vendors know their products are not wholesome, and that their actions are unethical. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: HVEthMkt.rtf
Example Report and Recommendations on the Continuation or Replacement of Questionable Ads (Alcohol and Tobacco) in “Living Well” Magazine
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This is a 9 page paper outlining an example report on the continuation or replacement of questionable ads in a magazine which promote healthy lifestyles. This example report outlines possible concerns and recommendations regarding the continuation or replacement of “questionable ads” in the “Living Well” magazine. The questionable ads include those largely related with the alcohol and tobacco industries which are seen as contrary to those ideas promoted through the magazine which features articles on healthy living. The report therefore deals not only with the health concerns related with alcohol and tobacco but also the percentage of advertising revenue generated by the questionable accounts and the preferences and demographics of the reading population. The report includes an example memo to the publisher, executive summary, list of illustrations, recommendations, and conclusions as well as a list of references.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TJquads1.rtf
Executive Health Spa Rationale
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A 5 page paper discussing the need for a fitness business aimed at male executives. Targeting the high-end, high-stress executive gives us access to those who both need the services the most and who can pay for them without the need for payment plans, insurance assistance or other such capital-requiring approaches. The target population sees the need for the service and its benefits. The ongoing complaint is that the varied services are not available in one place, and so are too expensive in terms of time. The organization discussed here will be able to resolve that primary objection, encouraging busy, stressed executives to take better care of themselves so that they can take better care of their businesses. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSexecHlthSpa.rtf
Exercise & Anxiety
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An 8 page research paper exploring the relationship between exercise and anxiety. The writer begins by offering operational definitions, the results of a literature search and concludes with a summary and recommendations for further research. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Exercise.wps
Exercise-Induced Asthma
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A 6 page paper on the causes of asthma and its relationship to exercise. Main focus is on yourth sports in schools. Subjects covered include: medications, alternative treatments (warm-ups, masks/scarves, swimming for cardiovascular and strength training, relaxation), and what school coaches and parents in combination can do to help young athletes. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Exasthma.wps
Exercise: Baseline Study
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5 pages in length. The objective of this baseline study is to follow the progress of an individual whose program will include the steady increase of daily exercise over the course of three weeks with an ultimate goal of maintaining thirty-minute exercise periods upon completion of the three-week period. Initially, the participant's previous efforts reflected one thirty-minute session once a week and graduated up to twice during week two; the third week found her exercising three times a day, all of which incorporated such methods as walking and Taebo via videotape. Motivation for increasing exercise levels is for the combined benefit of losing weight and feeling better overall which, when realized, will provide her with increased satisfaction in life by virtue of achieving her goal. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCExercise.rtf
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